Fish Hobbyist
New Member
Hi! I may be getting a fish soon, and I need a little help with him. He is my neighbor's fish, but they are moving away. He needs a place to live now. He is freshwater tropical, a long fin black skirt tetra. They call him Stripey. I have no idea how to care for a fish, but id love to give him a home. I know I need a gravel vac and heater. My water is a little basic. How do i fix that? Idk what im doing. How do you use aa gravel vac? Any tips? How warm should the water be kept at? What planys are safe for him to occasionally nibble at? I'd like to try live plants. What fertile subtrate (cheap) can I use? How much will it cost to set up his home. My budget is 180 US dollars. I have a 20 gal and unused filter. I'm actually scared. I kinda need some tips... Thank you for accepting me! I appreciate it!