Hi.. I got three cories..


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
I just took the dive and purchased three little cory cats..

One is an Axelrod's Cory, with species name of Corydoras Axelrodi. He is currently my largest of the three, and seems to be the boss. Wherever he goes, the other two follow with him. :) Very active, and the only one the fish store had left.

The next one, and my smallest as of the moment, is the Sterba's Cory, or Corydoras Sterbai.

I am not certain what my third Cory is... he was the only one the store had, and utterly adorable, and the fish store said he got to be around the same size. (Bad research on my part.. but I thought it would be listed with the reference site the fish store has, but it wasn't.)

Here is a shot of my unidentified Cory with my Sterba's. :D They really like the sand bottom I labourously added for them yesterday. As you can see, there is still a bit of gravel underneath the sand, but I have plans to slowly and carfully introduce more sand.. I misjudged when I originally added it!


This is the Cory all by himself/herself.


They have a 16.5 gallon tank all to themselves. The LFS told me this would be acceptable for three of the size that they get. From what I researched on the web, this seemed correct.

Can I get a confirm on this just so I'm positive? Will 16.5 be plenty of space for them? Is a school of three enough, or do I need to go pick up another Cory pretty soon? (all of these questions I asked the LFS, and they said I was alright, but once again, I wanted a confirmation on that :)

Hi BeccaBlain :)

Here's a link that has pictures of all the named cory cats. It will help you identify your unknown cory and give you information about the others as well.


It might be a good idea to get some more corys if you can. Corys are schooling fish and like to have companions of their own kind. However, if you cannot do this, they will school together.

The way to determine gender among corys is by size. The mature females are longer and wider than the males. The females also have rounded ventral fins, while the males' are smaller and more pointed.

If your tank is nicely cycled, you could probably keep a few more corys, and a betta as well, in it. :D
The tank has been cycled for 3, pushing 4 months now. :) I changed the substrate, but I left some of the old substrate beneath the sand (and stirred it up a bit getting it out) so the bacteria should still be nicely established.

I do have one betta in there, at the moment.. I just did not want to purchase the 4th or 5th Cory until I was certain that I had enough room in the 16.5 for them all.. I was pretty certain three would be safe, I wasn't sure about 4 or 5 though. :)

I want to get an albino and a bronze for the tank, since they are pretty cute as well, if they'd be happy in there.

Thanks for the link! I'm going to go check it out now... Someone I know said he looks like a Southern Green, or a Corydoras Sept.. uhm.. I can't spell it. :*)

He is adorable, and he shouldn't get more than 3 inches, so.

:wub: :wub: Now I have the Betta bug AND the catfish bug.

CFC, I blame this on you. :)

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