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Dec 9, 2005
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thats them. my favorite is the 1 on the right! :)
I take it that you're trying to be funny. That's horrid, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Wow, an IP search turned up some interesting info.
I dont get it :-( . Do you think that bettas are supposed to be together? Well I hope you seperate them soon before they tear eachother to peices. There's a reason behind there name "Siamese Fighter Fish" because sadly they fight with each other. That tank would have to be bigger. But if you dont have money to buy more tanks you can try to use household things like a tupperware, but remember to make sure they have enough room. Try a tupperware that holds 1gallon of water. Please read the posted FAQ on top of the forum

Heres The Link:


It really helps you to learn more about bettas. ;)

Please if your trying to fill up the tupperware with tap water then you should try buying some conditioner and follow the directions on the bottle on how to use it...

-Arrowhead :ninja:
That's horrible! :no: Did you guys see that betta leaning sideways on the bottom and those other ones just sitting in the corners of the tank? You should remove them immediatly they look so sad. :-( I can't believe the pet store let you do that! I guess it must have been a wal mart or something. If that cup I saw in the side of the pic was the cups they came in you should put 3 of them back in there cups with ONLY one in each cup until you get more tanks.
my advice: ignore this user, if Wuv has done an IP search and found something interesting, he/she is oviously just flaming and trolling, trying to get us angry.

This person is childish and we should try to avoid them.

But I feel so bad for those bettas. :-( I guess I just have to accept that this person is going to be a ignorant jack***. :no:
Durbkat, I know, it sucks.

This person has a handful of identities here at TFF, so I doubt WM sold them the bettas for that, I'm guessing these are fish of their own. I'm going to lock this up as I doubt this person will come back. This is just grasping for attention.
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