Hi From Cape Town, South Africa


New Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Cape Town, South Africa
Hi Every one,

We are on our very first fishtank, which I have been meaning to start for a year now.. and finally since my kids are a little bit older, we decided to establish one.

Wow.. didnt realise its so much work.. but in turn.. its very rewarding. We bought a second had tank with a cool stand, which we renovated. ( i hope i can attach some photos)

So that was almost two months ago now.. and the fish and tank are doing well. We had 3 fish go to the "big pond" in the sky.. LOL But we seems to have gotten a hold of it now.. Checking the water, changing 15 to 20 % every week.. and cleaning the tank.

Hoping to introduce a Siamise Fighting fish.. read up about them, and how they react in a community fish tank. Seems it depends on the Beta. Will try and find a "non" agresive one. Will keep you posted.








And here is a video.. hope it works for you.
Nice looking tank :) Good luck with the betta I have heard mixed things about them in community tanks.
Beautiful tank. Good luck with your fish! I think once you get it established it is a little easier going!
That is a good looking tank Capecruiser. Welcome to the forum. We even have a MOD here that would likely be on the same time of day as you are. He is Ludwig and hails from SA too.
That is a good looking tank Capecruiser. Welcome to the forum. We even have a MOD here that would likely be on the same time of day as you are. He is Ludwig and hails from SA too.

Thats awesome.. I noticed most guys in SA are into cichlids and malawis. I guess they are the fish of the continent. :)

@Shelby Yeah.. thanks for the encouragment! I find it easier allready. Not guessing what to do anymore.

BTW.. one of the guppies is way pregnant. So will get a floating tank inside the main tank. Hope they have them here. (those made from net)

See you all online. :)
Hallo Capecruiser... Baie welkom hier by ons... jy sal die forum geniet. Ek bly in Thabazimbi. (Limpopo Province)

Your tanks are looking good... Cape Province is very active in tropicals generally... You guys are so lucky to have access to so many stocks and equipment.
Hallo Capecruiser... Baie welkom hier by ons... jy sal die forum geniet. Ek bly in Thabazimbi. (Limpopo Province)

Your tanks are looking good... Cape Province is very active in tropicals generally... You guys are so lucky to have access to so many stocks and equipment.

Hallo Ludwig.. Baie Dankie. Yeah, we have a quite a few.. outlets.. but was hard pressed finding them actually. Not many online.. had to ask peeps who were selling their tank on gumtree, where to find reliable pet stores.

BTW, Nice looking Chocolate Ghourami in your signature!

I'd like to get a soem other fish later in a few weeks. What can you reccomend?
At the moment we have the following:

Gourami Pearl (2 x M)
Moonlight gourami (2 x F) (i think, as they dont have any colouring)
Molly Black (1 x M & 1 x F)
Molly White (1 x F)
Molly Sailfin (Golden) (1 x M)
Plecostomus ( ? x 2)
Guppies (2 x M & 6 x F) (one looks liek about have her first load of fry.. not sure what the best solution, in-tank net divider or what?)
+ a few snails.. un intentional.. I think they hitched a ride on the plants we last bought. Hope they dont become a pest, as I can see a few baby snails as well.
Using all natural plants, about 5 x variaties.
1 x Dophin 500 filter
Your tank looks very nice! The paint jobs looks good..=)

I wouldn't recommend adding a betta to you tank, though. They are all pretty much aggressive fish.I have 3 bettas right now and I can't keep them together, at least not the females. I read online that you could possible keep 2 female bettas in the same tank, as long as there's other community fish. I found that didn't work for me though. One female always took a dominate role and would pick on the others. I'm not saying it's not impossible, my male betta did do ok in my second tank with some other fish. But even then, he's a bit territorial (he'd chase my other fish around. Finally removed him after he tore off another fish's eye).

If you do keep a betta there, though, I'd recommend a nice little hiding place that he could call his own and be protective over.
They are very pretty fish and rather entertaining (when they aren't tearing up your other fish)..=)
Kaapstad....You've probably seen by now that we have a TOTM competition.... Why not enter yours in the December TOTM.... it'll make a good contender.

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