Hi everyone


New Member
Dec 29, 2004
Reaction score
Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
I've just recieved a 25 gal tank and ''starter kit'' for Xmas.....dont laugh.. and have consequently started reading up on fishkeeping. Its far more complex and interesting than I could have possibly imagined. I look forward to hearing your insights in the future, and would appreciate any ideas you might have for a novice.
For now, I'll just say Hi and carry on... cheers.
:hi: to the forum.

You have a wonderful attitude towards the hobby. You'll fall in love with the hobby in no time. :D

Join our school.
Welcome Jasper!

We'd never laugh at someone starting off in the hobby! I was in your place 10 months ago.... even got the same 25 gallon starter kit :p You'll love the hobby and this forum. Don't be scared to ask tons of questions.. almost everyone is really friendly around here and they'll all get answered for you.

I assume that you've checked out the pinned articles about cycling already? If not, please do before you buy fish!

Looking foward to seeing you around the forum :)


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