Hi everyone

:hi: to the forum.

Unfortunately, you are the only member on here that lives in Africa that I know of.

Join our school.
Phantom Thief said:
:hi: to the forums.

Do you have any wild caught fish from your region? Must be exciting :hyper:

[Do you have any wild caught fish from your region? Must be exciting ]

Unfortunately Phanton Thief, I could catch any wild fish from my region, with all the lions and leopards running around one cannot sit too long next too the dams and rivers! :no:

Only joking :hyper: , no, it is against the law here too keep fish from our rivers and streams, althoug I know someone with some Kurpers, but they are not very pretty colorful fish, more like a dirty pale yellow silver type fish and then again they dont keep well with other fish.

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