Hi Everyone!


New Member
May 11, 2012
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Hi there guys. Just wanted to introduce myself to the community. I am a fairly new fish owner and have been looking for a community to join for a little while so I'm glad I found this site.

My name is Brandon. My girlfriend and I started with a 10g tank and became completely enamored with our fish. We upgraded to a 50g setup pretty quickly thereafter. Here is a picture (I can't remember how to link it and make it visible in the post)


We have 2 Dalmatian mollies, a black Molly (yucatan I think), an orange Molly, 9 glofish (a mix of all 5 colors), 2 guppies (female is pregnant), 2 angelfish (there were 3 but I lost one this morning, he wasn't doing very well since we brought him home on wednesday), 3 bumblebee gobies, and a gold algae eater. I have slowly introduced them into the tank and including the angel I lost this morning I have lost 3 fish since we started (all were within a couple days of bringing home from the store).

The breeder net on the top left contains 7 Dalmatian mollies that are 9 days old =) and to the left I have our 10g tank which is used for the glofish to spawn in (and currently has eggs in it). I felt horrible the first time our glofish spawned and we lost the babies. We were completely unprepared. I have all the right baby foods now though and my LFS is very interested in buying fish from me so now I can allow them to spawn in one of our breeder tanks/nets and feel ok that my tank won't get overfull.

I'm glad to meet you guys and am looking forward to having a place to ask questions and join in on discussions
Hi!! Welcome to tropical fish forums! :hi: I like your tank, it's so peaceful looking!! :)
Hi!! Welcome to tropical fish forums! :hi: I like your tank, it's so peaceful looking!! :)

Thank you very much. It is very enjoyable to look at. I was very happy with the deal I got. I'm still trying to figure out how I want the plants and substrate to look but my girlfriend has done what she can with our current decorations. I really love the hobby and I don't know how this happened all of a sudden =)
Let me try to help out a bit.


This is your picture. I used the IMG code to post it here.
^ thank you. Also, we just had a black Molly with yellow fins give birth to 21 babies about 4 hours ago. We have a divider on the far left dividing about 10g of the tank off for our 21 new babies and our 3 week old Dalmatian Molly babies. I love raising the babies and my LFS is wanting to buy them so I'm gonna be able to have fun raising them and not worry about overstocking

I have signed up at a couple fish forums so I'm hoping to frequent all of them quite regularly. See you guys around =)

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