Hi Everyone


New Member
Jun 3, 2007
Reaction score
Elk Grove, California
I've always had an interest in fish especially betas. My parents would not let me get one until this year (since its the start of summer)

My name is Ryan and I am 14 years old (turning 15 in september)

I would like to stay active here.

Nice to meet you all! =]]
Hello and :hi: !!! :fish: :fish:

Glad you joined :clap: :clap: :clap: :nod: :clap:

What color betta do you have????
Actually, I dont have a fish yet. Mind recommending me a beautiful, not too expensive, beta that doesn't look half dead (due to those horrible pet stores)?
Ah okay, well for betta's you'd have to check your LFS (Local fish store) and see what they have avaliable. You can check out Aquabid.com, they have bettas on there often, however most are show bettas.

Good Luck with your choosing!! :good:
Welcome to the forum :) nice to meet you too :)
Hello!! :good: this place is great i only joined a couple of days ago and i've learnt loads (i'm 13)
:p welcome :p
I'm a newbie on here too, but I've been researching alot about different species of fish, what conditions they live in etc, so I think my knowledge on fish is improving greatly, from when I first considered getting fish way back in 2005. But I think now, having read books and researched on the net etc, I'm finally ready to set up a tank of my own, which will be very rewarding, Ive been waiting long enough!! hahaha
Anyway good luck with your betta. Just remember.... Just because people say their ok in tiny bowls/vases doesn't nessessarily mean they like it! And IMO(in my opinion) I wouldn't like to live in a tiny bowl/vase for the rest of my life, not barely being able to swim anywhere :(
I'm sure that doesn't apply to you ;) I just feel sorry for the poor things that are kept that way :( They should have the freedom to swim gracefully, and with ease, like other fish in the hobby, wouldn't you agree?? :p :p

Take care :good:
Welcome!! Another betta lover; We'll take over the world, bwahahaa!!
This is a great site, hope you enjoy it!
Personally, I love butterfly and marble bettas, but it is all up to you, they also come in different tail types, my favourite is halfmoon but I love evry tail type!
Good luck with your new fish ^_^

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