Hi.........do fish have "itches"

It is never a good idea to assume "disease" when more often then not, the problem is water.
I wasnt saying it was, just saying please be careful, besides i think he/she posted their reading before and i didnt think they were especially bad, except the nitrates, but like someone said plants, nitrazorbe or water changes will sort this i think.

i know that i know very little compared to you experts however i just didnt want anyone else to lose a fish like i did, it was devastating.

Sorry guys
Yeah - I've got a golden barb who 'flicks'/'flashes' every now and then on a surface (rock/plant/bogwood/heater...), and always has. There's no visible problem, he appears to eat perfectly happily and seems absolutely no different from any of the other barbs.

I should mention that I'm only assuming that it's always the same one - it could just as easily be different ones each time!
pandapops001 said:
I wasnt saying it was, just saying please be careful, besides i think he/she posted their reading before and i didnt think they were especially bad, except the nitrates, but like someone said plants, nitrazorbe or water changes will sort this i think.

i know that i know very little compared to you experts however i just didnt want anyone else to lose a fish like i did, it was devastating.

Sorry guys
I'm not sure that Lateral Line's comment was directed at you specifically.

Maybe LL could give more details on what might be the problem with the water.
Sorry......lost track of the post :*)

My nitrAtes are actually at 20ppm.....bought an actual "nitrAte" test kit instead of those dumb dip sticks :nod:

I've tried several plants and the snails demoliish them in a week :-( Can't seem to keep them alive!!!!! :grr:

I am medicating with Coppersafe at half the dosage because I am almost positive one of the 2 new clowns I just got has SOMETHING wrong with it.......either gill flukes or ich or something and I want to catch it now. I can't put the clowns in the hospital tank right now because it is full and being medicated at full strength. :dunno:

I am also medicated my 30 gallon with the Blood Parrots in it......just in case he does have those gill flukes! I also heard that sometimes you can't see the ich spots :/ The coppersafe stays in the water for 30 days and it doesn't seem to be affecting the fish poorly yet.....but I am on the watch and will do an emergencey 50% water change if I need to!!!!

Any thoughts!?
My keyholes and loaches do the flicking thing now and again the water parameters seem fine and they have never developed any diseases. If land animals can have itches why not fish? ;)
Well.......I sort of feel the same way as you aloaring....

I mean, couldn't they get something small stuck in their gill or get a piece of food stuck on their fins and just plain want it OFF!!! :eek: :lol:

UPDATE on my clown loach.....

I got 2 babies for my Bday from my hubby :wub: and one of them had an area on his side (close to fin) that looked sore.....can't explain it really....and his dorsal fin was in the down position at ALL times not to mention the "flicking/flashing" he does throughout the day....every day! I medicated the 55 with Coppersafe at Half the recommended dosage and today the little clown has his dorsal fin UP!!!! Edit > I came back to say that he has it up half the time and down half the time....not the whole time.....we'll see!

Just thought I would mention the progress in case anyone else ever thinks about medicating with this medication. My SD....who is very sensitive to medications...is also doing fine so far.

:flex: fishies!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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