Hi All, I Little Info On Us And Are Setup


New Member
May 17, 2009
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Wavertree, Liverpool
Hi all, I just thought we'd make a post introducing ourselves and are setup. Well I'm 23 and I've been keeping tropical fish for about 10 years. At around Christmas time me and my girlfriend decided to give the whole fish breeding thing a go. We started off by buying 9 tanks on racks and buying a breeding group of Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere, A breeding pair of W/C Rotkeil Severums (We now have 3 B/P of Rotkeils!), a B/P of Jade Eyeds, a group of 10 Aulonocara Firefish to grow on and some Baenschi Bengas and some Cobues. We also bought a Breeding pair of Maroon Clowns and tank and a breeding pair of Tomato Clowns and tank.
In the short time we have been doing this we quickly decided what was working for us and what wasn't. So the two pairs of Clowns went (for a profit!) and off went the Jade Eyeds.
We then decided to go the wholeTropheus route, so we bought a Breeding group of Duboisi and then this weekend a Breeding Group of 20 Moori Moliro and a Sub-adult group of Lake Bred Moori Bemba's. So now you're prety much up to date!
Sorry for the essay but I thought I'd better introduce myself because I'm sure you're gonna be hearing from me quite regularly as I'm sure you can appreciate, with that many fish comes a hell of a lot of Questions!!!
Do you make much money?

I love the Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere, How much are they. What lake are they from? :drool:

Im after some cichlids. Malawis though. Do you post?
Do you make much money?

I love the Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere, How much are they. What lake are they from? :drool:

Im after some cichlids. Malawis though. Do you post?

Do we make money? Well that's the plan but not yet. We've only been doing it for 5 months though. As it happens the first fish bred by ourselves are the Chewere. We have 10 at about 4cm. We're after £20 for a group of 5 or £35 for the 10. We also have another 20 odd growing on which will be ready in about a month.

We would post but I'd have to cost it up.
Are you able to sex these? Im after 2f 1m, how much would it cost for 3 + postage? (Im in the uk)
Is this with most malawis? 3f 1m?

I just want them in the tank for breeding - would the other female get agressive with the other females and male because of its fry? or would they all get on.
Is this with most malawis? 3f 1m?

I just want them in the tank for breeding - would the other female get agressive with the other females and male because of its fry? or would they all get on.

The females don't tend to be that aggressive with each other, even when spawning. In fact I've never seen any aggression at all between the females.
Ah brilliant, thanks for your advise then mate. One last thing - The malawi cichlids, what do you find are the best to like breed? with the best colours/ sel the best etc.
Ah brilliant, thanks for your advise then mate. One last thing - The malawi cichlids, what do you find are the best to like breed? with the best colours/ sel the best etc.

Apart from the Pseudotropheus Elongatus Chewere we've not really got much experience with selling Malawi's. The group of Aulonocara Firefish we have have just started breeding they seem to sell really well as they're v colourful and hard to get hold of. So we're hoping theyre gonna sell well.

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