Hhmmmmmmmmm.any Ideas.

neon tetras, corydoras....btw this is the catfish section, not the south american cichlid section
Yeh but hes asking what catfish to put with Discus so has chosen the right section!

With Discus Corydoras are generally the best as they are not agressive, don't get too big and look great in a shoal.

Bristlenoses and Rubberlips are good safe plecs to add. Maybe Bulldogs, I'm not positive on them though.
They might be. There are so many common names and they get put on different species sometimes it's easy to mix them up.
u may be able to pull a syno of some generaly small species

Depends what water conditions he plans to keep his discus in. If using RO and planning to reduce the pH to something closer to Discus wild conditions (6-7) It wont be ideal for alot of synos. If you want them in soft water conditions choose carefully and acclimatise very slowly. I still think the best choice would be corys.

As for plecs, well most will go fine with Discus, I would choose a panaque species as then you dont have the risk of the plec sucking onto the side of the discus to eat the slime.

But a Syno., even a petricola might end up nibbling scales off of the discuss' side.

And bunjiweb is right, the ideal water conditions for discuss and synos are basically opposites.
I have certainly never seen this myself, although I do not keep them with any very vertically compressed fish like discus or angels.


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