

New Member
Sep 21, 2012
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Eastern Tennessee
Hey there,I'm Steve. Been away from fish keeping for a few years,but have always missed having tanks,so my Wife and I are slowly getting back into it,on a smaller scale than before,smaller tanks,breeds,etc,as we're currently renting for a few years (after a house fire last year took our home-nobody was home and all pets were outdoor pets then) until we can find a nice small house we like,or piece of land to build on (so we dont' really want a huge undertaking of moving lots of large tanks ;) ). Nice to have a couple small tanks again. This looks like a decent place to learn and share,nice to meet y'all :)
Welcome! Glad to meet you Steve.
Is "DreamingSmaller" a reference to the size of tanks you will be setting up?
LOL,that-and that we're beginning to plan and explore idears about living smaller too :good:

Right now we have 1,2 and 5 gallon tanks,but we're also looking into a pair of 10-29 gallons in the next month or so,nothing bigger than a 37 or so gallon while living here though...I suppose moving umpteen smaller tanks would be as big a hassle as moving a few big (100+ gallons) one though,eh? :hyper: :nod: :X

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