

New Member
Apr 16, 2009
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Hey guys I'm kinda new here I was on as double trouble but decided to come back on with the name that some people may recognise from a couple of other sites that have now gone!

I currently only have one guy a little red guy called Rocky he's in a 5 gal in my kitchen and loves flaring at me while I'm cooking bless him!!!

So yeah HEY!!
Hey Lexi....nice to see you again under your own name :good:

Oh....and what did you have in the end boy or girl?
I had a boy little Joshua!! he is a monster!! have I not shown you pics Netty?? he looked like an alien at first but now he's a cutie!!!

How are all your guys doing?? have you still gots Bettas in their masses?? xx
Lol.....you'll get used to the monster. Probably take another 20 yrs for him to grow out of it!!!!!! Congrats on your little boy though, I bet he's a little angel really. Would love to see a pic of him :good:

We're all fine. The place is full of bettas...about 29 adults and 80+ fry at the moment, so they're keeping us out of trouble lol

Hope the rest of your gang are ok.....doggies and horsies?
heehee me trouble never!!! :shout: :shout: :hyper: :hyper:

glad to hear your still in danger of being flooded if your tanks ever leak!!

everything good with horses and my pooch finally being able to ride again is great!!

will get a pic but have to figure out how to put them on here again!!
:lol: :lol: Gee thanks.....glad to see the hormones have subsided :p
Here you go Netty

Posing in his Mum's pink hat


Very unimpressed because mummy painted him to get prints of his feet and hands!! he loved it really!!

OMG.....he is just the cutest!!!!! Makes a great work of art.....can't quite work out where the footprint is though :lol: I do love seeing babies get messy......good for you :good:
he is a cutie but boy does he have a set of lungs!! not surprising considering his mum is one of the biggest loud mouths going!! lol!! footprints went on a canvas for his daddys birthday couldn't get the hands to come out right!! lol!!

He loves being messy chocolate is his fav! LOL!!
Lol......I told you it'd be worth it in the end. I hope he has a Betta in his bedroom!!!!!
Lol......I told you it'd be worth it in the end. I hope he has a Betta in his bedroom!!!!!

awww he is cute how old? when they get 2 they are evil!!! but adorable!! my sis is 2 and repeats everything! :shifty: becareful what you say....

and did you make lexi69 your username on purpose?? :lol:

also show us the betta!!

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