hey whats the purpose of the light

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Which light? The one above your tank gives light to your plants, if you have a planted tank, lets you see the fish in a non-planted tank. If you don't have plants, fish do fine with just room light.

The one on your heater, if you have a heater, or one with a light, lets you know if the heater is on or off.

The light in the room is there so you don't bash the snot out of your toes going to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

the one on top of tank u silly goose

anyways i can still see the fish witout light
Just as Tolak said. If you have a tank of fake plants, the light is just so you can see your fish in their full colour.

If you decide that you want to plant your tank with live plants, then the light is absolutely essential for the plants to grow.

Technically, you could have a tank without a light, but you wouldn't see all the beautiful colours that your fish can be.
Sorry people but there is something seriosly wrong here.
This guy is just trying to wind everyone up. too many posts in one day.
some abusive, its not good. :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:
William is obviously someone just trying to cause havoc on these forums, I'd suggest deleting his account and his worthless posts. I'm not "trollling", but he's obviously trying to act idiotic.
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