Hey There Fish Lovers!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 30, 2007
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St. Louis
I am Kevin and I am from St. Louis. I got my fist aqauarium about 4 months ago and have been in love with it ever since!
We have moved up to a 20 gallon tank. We have 10 guppies (7 males and 3 females), 3 Tiger Barbs, 3 Saebre Tetras, 2 Mollies, 4 Blue Long Finned Danios and a Leopard Catfish. I am here to see whats going on, get advise and maybe give some. Hope to see everyone around!

Yes I know I have Tiger Barbs in with guppies but they have pretty much kept to themselves.
welcome..might i be a bit honest...you are well overstocked that is to much for a 20..i sugest a larger tank perhaps even a 2nd tank of that size or bigger...the agression will eventually start showing due to lack of territortial space!

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