Hey Snail Folks


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I got an Amazon Sword mother plant. Yesterday, while the forum was down :D , I went to dump the water and there were all these little pointed spiral shelled snails. I wasn't sure whether I want them or nor, but I put them in a safe tank (no clown loaches or puffers :lol: ).

What do I have?
jollysue said:
I got an Amazon Sword mother plant. Yesterday, while the forum was down :D , I went to dump the water and there were all these little pointed spiral shelled snails. I wasn't sure whether I want them or nor, but I put them in a safe tank (no clown loaches or puffers :lol: ).

What do I have?

I don't know what they're called but I have them too! They don't seem to cause much trouble but they have been eating one of my plants (sorry I don't know the name of the plant) so I just get rid of them when I see them.
Oh dear that tank may need a vist from a clown loach. I don't worry about the big tank--clown loaches :) keep them well in check.

I am preparing to change the substrate (an old stuff no longer recommended) to sand and see about adding some low light plants.

Thanks Flying_Squirrel
How big is your clown loach and does it eat small things like that? I wanted a clown loach but my tank is only 60l and I saw one in a shop about 12 inches long. Would you be able to reccomend any other fish that might help get rid of the snails?

No need to thank you just adding my little input :)
I just read the pin at the top of the forum. (I know read the instructions first, Lady :p)

I think I have got me some trumpet snails. They are useful and eat algae and not so much plants.

As for snail eaters, the only ones I know of are clowns and puffers. Clowns are problematic for their size. Puffers I believe are a more difficult fish and definately not a community fish.

The snail forum will probably say (though I shouldn't speak for them :p ) that the best controls are three: reduce overfeeding, pick them out or squash them, put a lettuce leaf, cucumber, algae wafer, etc in and, when they load up dispose of--unless you have a puffer or a friend with a puffer or clown. Then save them in something and give a fish a treat. All nuisance snails welcome here.
Yes trumpet snails! You could also let them breed and sell them on aquabid or send some to people on the forum ;) . I only seem to get ramshorns when I purchase plants. :rofl:
Yeah I suppose that's what I got. :dunno: I think. It has the long pointed corkscrew horn. This plant came out of a discus exhibition tank at the lsf. It was too big for the tank and it was too hot for it, It was deteriorating. It had been a special order for an employee who switched to marine and changed his mind. They wanted $30 but reduced it to $10 to get rid of it before it died.

Anyway I think that's why I got some trumpets, because it was not in the plant tank but an exhibition tank. :D

I wish I had not waited a week to investigate the left over water. No telling what I missed. :lol:

I need to try to move some to the other small tank to give them a good home. I have to change the subtrate where I put them. It is the old Wonder Rock that came with the gifted tank.

I'm actually delighted, assuming they are what they seem to me to be. :kana:

My clowns are 3" to 4". I have three. They love little snails. They are very busy today combing with their barbels and investigating every little twig of all the new plants I planted yesterday. If they find a snail, they will treat it like a wrapped Snickers bar. :rofl: Today is Popcorn and Candy day for the Clowns. :lol:

BTW Welcome to TFF! :hi:
I purposefully bought some trumpet snails! They don't nibble my plants 9but my clown loaches do), they turn the substrate and eat up the uneaten food (although with the clowns being piggies, there isn't much left). I love trumpet snails.
pnyklr3 said:
I purposefully bought some trumpet snails! They don't nibble my plants 9but my clown loaches do), they turn the substrate and eat up the uneaten food (although with the clowns being piggies, there isn't much left). I love trumpet snails.

Great minds think alike :p

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