Hey, new here


New Member
Jul 27, 2003
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:D , hey everyone here!! I just registered. looks like a great forum though. I love bettas, they are my favorite fish I think. I have 4 bettas, 3 males and 1 female. I also have around 10 betta fry, which I am feeding BBS. So, yes i am very familar w/ fish, i also have a 10 gallon tank w/ guppies, a danio and a dwarf frog. I also have 3 2.5 gallon tanks set up, 2 w/ bettas and the other w/ my betta fry! The fry r around a month old. I really enjoy fish, i just took down a 5 gallon tank w/ a dwarf puffer in it. I gave it 2 the fish store. Anyways, so yea.... :p
Welcome. :)

After lurking a bit, I just joined also. (yesterday to be exact) This site is a class act!
From the mods right on down to every member here.

I hope to hear a lot about your info about betas. I have almost nil intelligence there. :unsure:
Hi it's great hear that you love bettas :# :# :# !!! I do too, they're really cool aren't they. I have bettas myself, I have four females, and two male bettas 8) 8) 8) .Welcome to the site!!!
Betta Lover
Thanks, yea it seems like people are really nice here, which is good. Hey i just noticed that we have the name username, lol. anyways, thanks for the welcoming!!
2 Betta lovers ;) ...... :unsure:

.....things could get confusing :S ......

.....or interesting ;)

...so who's the best? lol :p ;)


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