Hey Im New And From England


New Member
Nov 26, 2005
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Hey all im new on your forum i have a smallish tank

but i spend more of my time on my austin mini which i love soooooo much
1 Albino Molly Male
1 Black Molly Female
1 Albino Ruby Shark
1 Pimelodella
2 Fresh Water Shrimps

only got a small tank at mo
Welcome to the forum. I had 2 mini's, standard versions though.

Fist one & first car was a 1000cc clubman.
Second one & second car was speceial edition 'mini sprite'
Then went on to mg metro.

I love mini's 2 but 2 small for my needs now unfortunately.

Great fun bouncing around with rubber bush suspension on our bumpy roads round here!! Rollercoaster ride!!!
i <3 old mini's! i've had 3. one rusted and died, the other two i crashed. YAY! -_-
dont tell me that boo hoo id have repaired them back to life

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