Hey Hey!


New Member
Dec 13, 2003
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Hey all! Loks like a great site! Can't wait to get started! I'm a Newbie to the forum, but not a newbie to fishkeeping! As you might have guested, I keep many species of puffers. I got my first puffer when I was 15 years old, now I'm 41 and still going at puffer-keeping! I have Green Spotted Puffers, Figure-8 puffers, dwarf puffers and humpback puffers! I have a 100 gallon tank, one 55 gallon, two 30 gallons and one 20 gallon! Its very fun and I spend endless hours finding every piece of litterature I can find on these awsome fish! So I'll be a frequent person in the Oddball section! Hope to see you around!
Hi and welcome to the forums :hi: you'll meet all kinds of friendly fish people here :fish:
:hi: to the forum...have fun!!! I've never had pufferfish ;)
Welcome to the forums pufferfreak!!! :D :) :)
Hi Pufferfreak and welcome to the forum :hi:

It's great to welcome an experienced fishkeeper. I hope you stick around and help our members learn about this popular little fish. :D

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