Hey Guys Remember Me


Fish Addict
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Howdy guys! This is FishNewbie remember me? Well I havnt been posting for a LONG time becuase I was focusing on school and lacrosse season and havnt had time. Well if ya remember I was trying to get a job at Pet Smart but that didnt work out. However I do have a job. My next door neighbor owns his own buisness and he hooked me up with a job with good hours and decient money. With the money ive been making I bought a car!!! Its a 2000 Dodge Neon. I know its a girl car but I like it and it runs great. Now that ive told ya what ive been doing now on to my fish. If you remember right before I stopped posting I had 5 Tetras and 1 Golden AlgaeEater in my 10g tank. Well all my fish WERE doing great till I got the Algae eater. He first unleashed his wrath on one of my Bloodfin tetras and i found him dead :-( . After that I wanted to get rid of him but I was really busy, didnt have much time, and couldnt find someone that would take him. Well finally he killed every fish in my tank except BARF who was too fast and strong for him, until I found a place for him. Right now my tank is pretty crappy :( but barf still lives happily by himself. I had to take out all the plants becuase there were WAY to many snails. No since the plants are out tons of hair algae is growing. I have a few questions. How can I get rid of the algae? Should I scrape it all off and then go get some more plants and wash them off first to ensure theres not snails? Also I plan on getting a 55g tank still like it says in my sig but I wanna know whats the best way to filter it. Should I use undergravel filters, canister, hang on ones, or a combonation.
Well theres alot of friends of mine who tell me its is. Hopefully if I get this raise ive been trying to get I can get some stuff for my car like some new rims and get my 55g tank.
Here is a pic of what my tank used to look like. I would post a pic of it now but my digital camera broke :(.
I dont see the add attachments thing. I used to post alot of pick that were on my hard drive so I know there is a way to do this.
BirdofPray said:
At the bottom, isn't there a place to add attachments?
Not in this forum......You can only post pictures in certain forums, I think.

Welcome back FishNewbie :)
Yeah, but if you go to the picture forum, I think there's the attachment thing. For some reason they don't allow it in this forum. I swear there's a part for attachments if you go to another forum.
Hi FishNewbie :)

It's good to see you back after all this time. :nod: I still think your avatar is the best. :thumbs:

What you could do, is start a thread in Members Aquarium Photos and put a link to it on this thread. That might be the easiest way to do it. :D
Welcome back to the forum, FishNewbie :)

I'm sorry, I can't see the picture you uploaded. :dunno:

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