hey gang...


New Member
May 11, 2004
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Hello all,
I came across this great forum some weeks ago when we were initiating the ste up on our new tank. It is a 20g almost fully cycled. We currently have three white clouds, they are really hardy ;) doing very well. They are Sally, Powder, and mini. yes, my wife and I can tell them apart... :lol:
We plan on stocking in the nest couple weeks, we definetely need some algae eaters like otos... we'll keep you posted as the family grows..

anyway just wanted to say hello, what a great forum... :kana:

How cool! Good to know we're not the only husband and wife team. Our families and friends think we're oddballs for sharing such a "childish obsession." Hey their words, not ours!!

:hi: to the forum.

I was going to ask how you could tell them apart until you said you could. :lol:

I wouldn't depend on algae eaters too much. They don't always do that much for the problem or they run out of food (in which case you have to dip into your pocket a bit). To augment your anti-algae efforts, yo have to keep the waste levels down and add plants as well. however, you might still have to whip out the algae scrubber. :/

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Well, certainly my wife and I love our tank. We are already aiming for a 55g next year once we master the first year of care and learning.
Regardless, it is a hobby that we all share in common.... :p

As far as the algae eaters, being a 20g only, we'll have to see how well they do.
I want to keep them to 1" simply because we want to buy more colorful fish. I think we'll try the oto's, I'll keep looking into it.

Andy B)
Hi there quattro30! Even if otos don't take care of the algae, they're amusing to watch :)

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