Hey All


Fish Fanatic
Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
Hi everyone, been floating around here for a couple of days viewing, reading and such like.....quite a friendly bunch so thout time pop my head up and say Hey!!

Been into fishkeeping for a number of years but recently the 120L tank was moved to the hallway and lack of focus and attention lead to a degraded interest in the hobby....until finding a 680L tank on ebay that just had to be bought, moved, fitted and get up and running in our living room, its a beast at 6x2x2, biggest tank we've had and has the whole family interested again...

Pictures will follow but for now

External filters
Eheim pro2
Eheim eco 2235
Aquamanta EFX400
2 x 300w heaters
4 x T5/55w tubes
1 x T8/36w bluemoon
1 x T8/36w freshwater.

and its planted but aquascaping skills are not upto scratch!!

Have plenty of forum experience and like to stay within the rules, so please prompt me if ive missed one...or two
Dont think your tanks big enough :lol:
Welcome and looking forward to pics
well, it was planned for a 4ft....but you know how it goes....get the biggest tank possible....






Ooooooooooh! Nice tank!!! WElcome to the forum, everyone is nice so far! I'm new too! Still getting used to it, but I like how everyone is so kind of one another. I LOVE YOUR TANK! Wish I had one that big... :'(
well, it was planned for a 4ft....but you know how it goes....get the biggest tank possible....


My husband said that when buying a tv, must be a male thing :lol:
Nice tank, cant beat the real stuff!

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