Hey All! (Pics Of My Setup + Newbie Advice)


New Member
Jan 12, 2010
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Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd say hello, show you pictures of my tank (about 2 and a half weeks old!) and ask a question about my fish.

When I first got it (let it mature for a week with 4 plants in there and stress coat/zyme as I was impatient it seems and I didn't have any ammonia to start a proper fish-less cycle!)



Then added 3 Black Platys (pretty hardcore fish for noobs like me! 1 male, 2 females)


And a week later, I tested all my water levels, a Bit too much nitrite in there, so added 3 more plants, 20% water change, added 3 more plants to the equation. one day later did another 20% water change as it was reading around 0.35ppm and gave them a bit of live food, though they'll be getting fed a tiny bit every 4 days or so as the levels are slightly worrying now.



However I've just done another test today and it states closer to 0.50ppm than 0.25ppm :look: So slightly concerned, but we'll see how I get on. Since the 2 water changes in 3 days, they are a lot more perkier for sure!

Anyway sorry for the long intro, see you peeps around the forums.

:hi: to TFF!!!!

Looking good.

You need to be doing more water changes to keep ammonia and/or nitrite as close to 0 ppm as possible.

If any of these two levels rise above .25 ppm, it will most likely shorten the fishes life, and cause either gill or nerve damage.

What kind of test kit are you using?

Thanks Chris and FHM!

I'm using an API Nitrite NO2 test kit - Liquid bottle dropper. Is that ok? I'm always waiting on test sticks from a friend who's a nurse, to check ammonia, ph, nitrite, nitrate etc too.

I think I may change the water again shortly. I hear you're supposed to let the water age a day with the anti chlorine products in there, but I feel time is of the essence here. I think the light has been kept on closer to 11 hours a day too instead of the normal 8 (so I've read) so i'm being more conservative with light if that would help.

You should get an API test kit for all Ammonia (as you already have) Nitrite, Nitrate and pH.

Strip test kits are no good and very inaccurate.

Lighting has nothing to do with cycling a tank, other than that light and fluctuating/high levels of ammonia can trigger an algae out break. That is why lights (or plants because they require lights) should not be used during the time of cycling.

For your info, platies are no longer considered hardy fish by many fish keepers. Over the last few years, interbreeding has meant that they can be difficult to keep alive right through adult stage. Its the same for mollies as well. 15 years ago these were amazing fish but now, its not so. :no:
Thanks for the information - I've just performed another water change - hopefully this won't stress the fish too much - how long is it worth leaving before testing the water status again?

So much to learn, and on the awkward side as with most things on the interweb, information varies a hell of a lot.

Thanks for the advice so far! :)
Hi yeah welcome to the forum! I see people are already advising about your cycle :) But one more thing too add I see you have some sea shells in there are they real or plastic? If they are plastic okay but if they are real they will effect your Ph and make it rise which is okay for some fish but not all so I would take them out as they can really damage some fish because of the Ph stuff.
Hi yeah welcome to the forum! I see people are already advising about your cycle :) But one more thing too add I see you have some sea shells in there are they real or plastic? If they are plastic okay but if they are real they will effect your Ph and make it rise which is okay for some fish but not all so I would take them out as they can really damage some fish because of the Ph stuff.

Thanks for the replies so far.

They are real shells, but have been used as ornaments before this for about 30 years, so I don't know if that effects things or not compared to freshly found shells?

Just to let you all know, my Nitrite levels are below 0.25ppm again :hyper: I need to keep a close eye on things though, I'd hate to think my lack of knowledge will give them a lesser life, nevermind kill them!
If you need to, do a water change every day until the nitrites drop to a suitable level. Water changes will stress the fish much less than high nitrites will. It may take a few weeks of very frequent water changes for your filter to catch up but will be worth it to keep the fish alive. I would test for ammonia every day until the filter cycles properly.

Welcome aboard!
Thanks for the welcome. I'm hoping after the first full month of my tank being set-up, things will start to calm down, but I've no issues with daily water changes, stops me from sitting in front of the pc :lol:

I'll start a thread when I find where, and keep a weekly update with pictures going! The whole point of this hobby is to find something therapeutic and cheap (I say cheap, it's been costly so far, but not as costly as having cars as a hobby!)

Nice tank!

Just to warn you - if you have elevated levels of ammonia or nitrite, you might need to do bit water changes every day. This stuff is so dangerous to fish that you need to make sure the levels are zero and that might mean testing twice a day and doing 50-70% water changes.

It's looking lovely though. Just keep up with those water changes and once everything has fully settled to zero for a week without water changes you're good to get more fish!
The tank does look good :good: just make sure you keepan eye on the amonia and nitrite levels, Id remove the shells incase your ph goes up. Eva.
in same situation as me i have two rainbow fish instead and only had them 3 days doing a water change tomorrow as i dont have a test kit atm but have been using some "filter start" this is meant to be filter bacteria i no i should of already got a kit and done water changes but i need to buy a new bucket saucepans take for ever and my bucket is full of car cleaning chemicals no plans tommorow so if roads are good ill be down the lfs :)

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