He's Here!


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
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New York
Last week I posted a thread about a beautiful yellow betta that I ordered from Duenbetta on Aqua


He didn't arrive on schedule, but he's here now. And a lovely little lady came along too. Thanks to everyone who posted and contacted me with helpful ideas they seem to be taking the transition to their new home well.

Here's some early pictures:

First, the box looked good. :D I just knew when I saw it that they would be alright.


Inside the box I found:


There was a lot of water in the bags. No matter which way the post office set the box down they had lots of water and air to breathe:


We want pics of them in the tank so we can see them better now!!!!!! LOL :p :kewlpics:
Here's they are still in their bags. Since I had to keep them apart, I figured that if I poured them into bowls, the way I do with new corys, the water wouldn't be deep enough in either of them for comfort, so I pinned the bags in the tanks they would be going in.

This is the male:


And the female:


I used a clothes pin to fasten the male to the tank, but I had to hook the female on with a thermometer. Little did I realize that the thermometer had cory eggs on it. Can you see them? Needless to say, the next time I added water to her bag I changed to a different thermometer. :D

Here are some close ups of them. Neither has stripes, and that's a good thing, right? :unsure:

Here's the male:


And the female:


They arrived just at noon and I released them into their tanks at 4:30. They are taking a little time to get used to their new environments so I'll add some more pictures of them later this evening.

I was really worried about them having to travel all the way from Thailand, but thanks to Linda Olson, the trans-shipper, they came through just fine. :thumbs:

Do you like them?
Love his colour, like warm colours. B) the female is a little cutie too, she looks lovely.
:wub: They're both adorable! Yellows rawk it! I HOPE you're going to spawn them :hey: cos I need a yellow baby.

No stress stripes after shipping is awesome!! Just an FYI, you can use duck tape to keep the bags fastened to the side of the tank while they're adjusting to the temperature and water. Do they get those big tanks all to themselves?
Here are a few new pictures of them. They have been in the tanks about four hours now and they both have had good meals of live blackworms.

Here she is:



And here he is:

IMHO, the pictures don't show their colors accurately. She is really showing some yellow on her too, mostly on her fins, and the opposite is true of the male. He looks more light in real life, and I was surprised to see how colorful he is in the picture. I suspect it might have something to do with the lighting of the tanks which is different on each tank.

The little cory in back of him is one of my C. aeneus Gold Shoulders.

Do they get those big tanks all to themselves?

They will probably only be in those tanks for a while, until I find permanent places for them. I had planned to keep him in a 20 gallon long with my black corys and skunk corys, but that tank is temporarily serving as a grow out tank for the baby blacks. As soon as they move up, everyone else can move back in and he will probably join them.

On the other hand, she is in a 29 gallon tank with schools or C. panda, C. guapore and C. pygmaeus. I put some floating plants on the top to cut the flow from the filter. If she seems comfortable there, and if she is not a big egg eater, she might just have a nice home with them. :D
Beautiful pair, congrats Inch!

Thanks wuv! :D

As you know, I don't know a lot about bettas, but I've always wanted a beautiful yellow one (and a black one too). I know this little guy is young, but do you think he'll grow up to look like the one in the picture on AquaBid?
Congrats Inch! Glad they came out okay :nod:

The annoying thing about taking photos of Bettas is that when you use flash, it brings out a totally new colour to them. I have a faint lylac/white boy and when i take a photo with flah, he comes out blue!
So if you can, try and not use flash if you ever decide to take photos of them again, so it brings out their true colours :nod:
Great Bettas though :thumbs:
He'll probably color up nicely for you after he settles for a few days. I know your fish are spoiled rotten with live worms so he'll certainly thrive in that department,no doubt. He *might* get some black wash, most yellows do as they age so don't be too surprised if you notice black speckling appear on his body. You can see a bit on the female. What cuties :wub: I've always been partial to orange but recently yellow has peeked my interest a bit since they've popped up mysteriously (or not so) in my red/orange spawns. I kinda like them now :*)
Awesome awesome, they've got beautiful colours!! I'm kinda surprised the bags had so much water in them... generally it's recommended to use more air than water, but I guess if you were getting them shipped 1-2 day it doesn't matter as much :thumbs:
They are lovely. Congratulations! It's nice to aquire something desired. Your people made fine choices for you.

Now I get baby Gold HM's and axelrodis. :hey:

They will go fine with my Gold CTs. ;)

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