He's Dying


Fish Herder
Feb 13, 2009
Reaction score
Manchester UK
My favourite betta jasper has succumbed to slime disease that have taken over my new tank and my 10 gallon

Ive quarantined him, but its not looking good ='[

bad luck, first alucard, then cpt parrot and now most likely jazz

itll be some miracle if he survives

Pictures down below
did this happen after adding the tetras? i put endlers in with my boy and he had developed slime disease. immediately tested water, did a huge water change and removed the endlers. had him on pimafix in the pm. within 24 hours of removing the endlers he was back to normal. i hope he pulls thru for you....that is a scary thing. just test his water frequently and do appropriate water changes. maybe add some decorations or something for him to hide in...plants would be best.
do you know his water stats as of now?
let us know how you get on.
hes in perfect water =[

ive lost too many fish to lose him to =[

the white on his fin stops him from moving it so he is just sat at the bottom =[ luckily hes coming up for air but its a struggle for him, i have him on melafix, i dont know if he is too far gone to save him..
aye hes not in much now, he can rest on his tail so his head is out of the water a little =[

he made it through the night, but the infection has spread and melafix isnt doing anything even though it said it would treat it...

bah =[
Ive moved hi from the quarantine tank into a bowl on his own [he was with a ram]

Murasaki is looking good so is the ram

but here is Jazz....does anyone think its likely that he will make it?



I think Jazz, looks quite bad if im honest but you never know he could suddenly start to get better treated with the right medication, im sorry your going through this.
ahh bless him , he doesn't look good does he?

I really don't think melafix will do much as its more a preventative than a treatment, I tend to use salt over melafix but they have similar preventative effects. I think I would have added an actual medication, something like myxazin maybe. Melafix is great for healing things but they need to be cured first , its also great for preventing infection getting into injuries but not really a treatment. That looks more fungal and I would think needs a medication.....IM no expert though, maybe post on emergency forum as Wilder is brilliant with fish med advice.
aye thanks, i havent seen wilder around =[

I added anti fungus, but its not really working =[ does it have to be aquarium salt? or can it be rock salt? regular salt? im willing to try anything

My LFS isnt open today either!

edit: i have saxa sea salt, it says its pure sea salt free from additives and has minerals such as calcium and magnesium...its all i have
all i keep getting from my other half is that 'he's going to die anyways, why bother' ='[
Just keep up with the hard work, your trying your best, the lfs trust them not to be open today!
*Big Hugs*
Best regards.
Hmmm yeahh its great getting new fish but sometimes they bring bad things to the tank, this has happened to me 8 times of out 10, if thats whats caused it anyway. Xx
Its the first really bad problem ive had, ive never had ich [touchwood]

Im giving him a salt bath now for half an hour, then ill transfer him to clean water and half dose salt twice a day

thanks for helping x

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