He's Acting Odd


Fish Crazy
Jan 29, 2006
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I just did a water change.. Now my betta is acting very odd... Usually they just kinda linger at the top not doing much (I think that's adjusting?) But this time he was swimming all around and even jumping a little out of the water. I got scared so I put him in his changing cup with some water from my 10g.
I also did a water change just before that with a different betta and he's acting "normal" (at the top of the water)
I always use aquasafe when I change their water... Does it hurt them if you put too much or too little in the water?

Can anyone explain this?
-_- He could just be in shock. Do the WC over, make sure it's the exact temperature as it is in his cup, add the right amount of dechlor, and let it settle for about 5 minutes then add him by dipping the cup into the tank. He should be ok, maybe use some Stresscoat or IAL to help calm him? Good luck!

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