hermit crabs vs. lizard


Fish Crazy
Sep 4, 2004
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...hmmm what lizards can go into a 10gl.? i am experienced with most lizards(leopard gekoes, anoles) any skinks?

also what about 2-3 hermit crabs? very interesting pets...

i want to hear your opinion and suggestions... :D
A 10 gallon would be OK for an anole, but its a little small for a gecko, and most skinks would def. outgrow it. Hermit crabs would enjoy that kind of space. So, either an anole or a hermit crab sounds like the best bet :)
yungnhopless562 said:
i had hermit crabs, that would be ideal, they r quite fun, i threw mine away cuz i was little and thought it died when it shedded :unsure:
you aren't the only one :X

hermy crabs would be neat...it's always fun making stuff for them to climb all over :p
Out of interest how many crabs can you get in an 11 litre tank? Any type out of hermit, rainbow and red crabs. I am thinking of converting my future betta tank to a crab tank aftre I have had some bettas since I can't get an ADF.
thanks for the suggestions, i am thinking about 2 hermit crabs
or some kind of frog...any suggestions on frogs?

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