Hermit Crab Species List/key

At the risk of necroing my own thread, I thought I would note that there is a new document version up, v1.10. Yes, there were three other versions over the course of the last year that I didn't post because they were full of highlighted things needing checking and placeholders. Looks like one update a year is where I'm at with this thing.

Same URL from the original post to get to the latest version (pdf links are updated on the page):


As always, if anyone sees any bugs/mistakes/whatever, don't be shy about it!

EDIT: by the way, in case anyone downloaded it already, disregard the one highlighted placeholder. I had obliterated one of the figures, had to redo it, and then forgot to get rid of the marker. It's fixed now, although the version number is still the same.

EDIT #2: I finally found a better solution than my google-blocking university website for storing this document. Not sure why this eluded me for so long, but I've got a Scribd account now and have put the whole thing up there with keywords and all that. Seems a reasonable solution since Scribd allows revisions without changing the URL and such. I'll keep the document updated in both places. Here's the Scribd URL:


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