Here Is My Tank!


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
Here is my 29 gallon tank! I had it for about a year and it's my first LRAGE aquarium since my two gallon tank that used to house goldfish, but now it's used as a hospital tank. This aquarium is filled with livebearers and tetras. The breeder net in front holds a bunch of balloon molly fry and guppy fry. The little blue ball at the end of the filter tube protects small fish from being caught in the suction of the filter.

I hope you like it as much as I do! :D

Here is my fish family...
1 female platy- Berry
4 male guppies- Autumn and the rest are not named
5 female guppies- Trixie. Holly, Jill and two have no names
3 black mollies- Princess, Marble and Chance
1 balloon molly- Mindy
2 neon tetras
2 pristella tetras
1 algae eater - Skippy


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:unsure: I'm sorry the picture is too large, but this is my first photo I put on the website. Maybe next time I'll know how to make the picure smaller.
Beautiful tank Sasha. I nominate this for TOTM. Who wants to second this for me?

i got a question about balloon mollies... ive always been fascinated with them.... but ive always wondered.... how can you tell if one is pregnant.. i mean... theyre so fat i cant tell..... :fish:... nice tank though :D i like guppies :d:D:D
do u have a yellow mollie is it ballon i have a yellow mollie i love it oi want to breed it, heheh that my new ambition to get mollie fry i a gonna mix her with orange or red mollie will make intersting offspring! :D :thumbs: like ur tank!
Where did you get those flower like plants in your tank? I want some for mine. By the way, I have some more extra Mollies if you want them. I can bring them to work with me on Monday. I'll be home on Saturday if you want to call me!!!
Kind of cool seeing some of my "former buddies" in a picture online on the internet living in my friends tank 50 miles away!!!! Isn't the internet and this forum wonderful? :cool: :cool: :cool:

Deb :p
:D My balloon molly was actually pregnant, but I didn't know that until I noticed tiny babies swimming around. Sometimes you can tell if a bolloon molly is pregnant in the lighter shades of color. Their lower area where the babies are held appears a bit darker than than their body color, but I can't tell if a black balloon molly is pregnant since she's too dark except if she looks REALLY fat.
In the picture you can see my orange balloon molly named Mindy. Mindy had one batch of babies and I have four alive now. I call her fry the Itty Bitty Babies and they are about one month old. The flower plants are plastic since I don't know where you can buy live plants that produce flowers. I bought the two flower plants at Petco and they add alot of color into the tank. I would love the mollies you're offering me so I'll call you later and we can arrange something. I also thinking about getting a larger tank. I'm glad you all like my tank!

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