Fish Gatherer
Here is my 29 gallon tank! I had it for about a year and it's my first LRAGE aquarium since my two gallon tank that used to house goldfish, but now it's used as a hospital tank. This aquarium is filled with livebearers and tetras. The breeder net in front holds a bunch of balloon molly fry and guppy fry. The little blue ball at the end of the filter tube protects small fish from being caught in the suction of the filter.
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Here is my fish family...
1 female platy- Berry
4 male guppies- Autumn and the rest are not named
5 female guppies- Trixie. Holly, Jill and two have no names
3 black mollies- Princess, Marble and Chance
1 balloon molly- Mindy
2 neon tetras
2 pristella tetras
1 algae eater - Skippy
I hope you like it as much as I do!
Here is my fish family...
1 female platy- Berry
4 male guppies- Autumn and the rest are not named
5 female guppies- Trixie. Holly, Jill and two have no names
3 black mollies- Princess, Marble and Chance
1 balloon molly- Mindy
2 neon tetras
2 pristella tetras
1 algae eater - Skippy