Here He Is!

:huh: I'm sorry do you not see the quotes I put up there lol. It tells you why not to put them in there...all seashells come from the sea...they come from sea creatures lol...there's no cleaning that off them :p. :lol:.

There are also several suggestion in those quotes for decorative items...along with links that have more suggestions.

That's why I took the time to put them there for you..because I knew you'd ask after being told not to use those lol.
Does your betta sit on the bottom like that alot because the sea shells could be causing him to act that way because all my bettas are constantly swimming around.
Hey, I'm really sorry SRC. It was just that I only had like 2 minutes before the bell rang so I just kind of skimmed through it and then replied real quick... yeah... I'll admit I didn't take the time to look at the links... but I'll do that now!

man... i feel really embarrased! :*) :*) :*)

But I did take your advice and took out the shells!

Oh, and Durbkat, no he doesn't sit at the bottom... I think he was just doing that because the water was pretty cold at the time. He's swimming around alot now.
Okay, while reading through one of SRC's websites I found this:

"Hi :)
<Hi, Pufferpunk here>
I have a cichlid tank that is very well established. I love to change the tank display. In the past I have put coral in the tank that I have gotten while snorkeling in the Caribbean with no problem. I have a very large conch shell that I feel apprehensive about displaying in my tank, but think it would look awesome in it! Do you think it will be okay?
<You're not going to like this answer, but I feel I must scold you a little here. As an avid scuba diver (I'm actually leaving for the Caribbean on Saturday), I need to educate you about taking things from the ocean. We have a saying, "Take only pictures & leave only bubbles". Everything in the ocean has a reason for being there. That conch could be used for a hermit crab or octopus home. It is never good to help yourself to these things. Enough said about that. ;) If there is no smell to it, you could soak it overnight in a light bleach solution, rinse well & then a few hours more in dechlorinated water, before adding it to your tank.>
Thanks for your help. Susan
<You're welcome, Pufferpunk>"

The part I want you to read is this "If there is no smell to it, you could soak it overnight in a light bleach solution, rinse well & then a few hours more in dechlorinated water, before adding it to your tank"

Would this work?
OKay, I have another question... lol, seems like I have alot of them huh?

Do any of you have an idea of what kind of betta I have? if any of you do that would be REALLY great if you could tell me! thanks!
lol it' sok I wasn't scolding you lol..just wondering why you asked questions about stuff I already posted on. ;)

Shells are ok to use in cichlid tanks not regular Freshwater tanks...due to the high PH released from the shells. The high PH is what will kill your betta if you don't remove the shells.
Okay. When I get home today I'll have to look for something to put in there. Maybe I can go and get another rock! sounds exciteing! lol
maybe you could try bogwood, you can get that from your LFS.
soak in hot water (but not boiling) for two days before you put it in your tank though, otherwise your water will turn a pisswee colour! if it does go a bit yellow don't worry, that doesn't harm the fish in any way.
bogwood can also help lower high PH's
No, they don't have dogwood here. The only place in town that sells fish and fish supplies is actually a craft store that has one isle of fishs supplies and about 7 tanks of fish. Bell rang! see ya!
Try they have alot of fishtank plants and rocks and gravel and decorations that you can buy.

They are reasonably priced too..and they ship quick.

You will need a CC or DC if you don't have one..might have to ask a parent to order for you(sounds like you might still be in the bell rang ;) ).
i use seashells in my brackish tanks to help raise pH and stuff, they do raise it quite considerably. My pH of my complelty empty tank 25 gallon (no gravel, no salt, just a heater and filter) was at 7. When i added the sand it stayed at 7. I put in the rest of the decor and it was still at 7. Then i added a few shells (maybe 7 small sized ones)and my ph went up to 9.6! i took some out to lower it 7.9. In a betta tank that small i cant even imagine the pH level!

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