Here Goes Nothing, Wish Me Luck :)

Suggestion on scaping this tank would be good as its doing my head in
When you eventually get coraline algae along with your corals and fish then the rockwork will only become a backdrop anyway. I'd leave it as it is, like I said when the corals are in and flourishing the tank will take on a whole new appearance. It looks good.
Thanks for the nice comment Big C, but really it looked total I took a hammer to the largest piece trying to get my pest crab out too, but sadly the rock broke into 3 nice chunks but the crab was nowhere to be seen so hes till in my tank...GGGGGGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRR

Stats are pretty static
Temp 80 - 81
PH 8.1
Ammonia 0
Nitrate is now 0 :)
s.g. 1.024

I got my first lot of critters on Friday a few hermits 2 bubble bee snails. I thought it best to just get a few until I made sure I had the slow introduction sorted. I went with the drip method to aclymatise them. Half hour in the bags in the tank to get temp up, then add them to the bucket with a little tank water and a heat pad underneath to keep them warm. Over the next 2 hours I drip fed water into the bucket until it was about half full and the tank temp and PH/sg where the same as my tank. Finally after 2 1/2 hours I removed them from the bucket one at a time and placed them in the tank. Water in bucket was then thrown away and the tank topped back up with free salt water .
Its a bit long winded but I'm glad I did it this way as all survived and are doing great :) a couple of my hermits have already upgraded their shells with nice new ones I placed in the back of the tank.

Lots of pics...........
Bumblee Bee snails

Red Leg Hermits

Blue and black leg hermits

Bucket with airline and inline valve to regulate the flow..

Pics Ive taken of them over last few days..




I got another lot of clean up crew today plus some macro algae for my sump which has now get a light on the outside :)
Tank now looks like this after new scaping :)

I'm really pleased with it and think its much more natural. Also tank is easier to clean with rock off all sides of the tank.
Today I got ..
15 dwarf blue leg hermits
2 Spiny Astralium
5 Vibex Nass
I also had a lodger in with my red algae, I'm so glad I hag on gloves when I rinsed the stuff :(


A pink one this time, my other is grey in colour.

Spiny Astralium


As my tank is now settled and I'm happy with the scaping, all critters are installed and looking happy, I though it was time for my first fish.. and yes youve guesed it a pair of Percula Clowns :) Oh and a cleaner shrimp. I think Ive only got room for one more fish and have not quite made up my mind on that yet, but it wont be for another few weeks, not until I'm sure the other have settled in ok. Any suggestion ?
Fish arrive on friday will post some pics in the evening when they have had time to settle :)
Like the new rock formation much more user friendly. Are you not going with some soft corals or is it just FOWLR.
I too am going with the clowns, the LFS has some beautiful chocolate/orange ones around the 60mm mark but they are a long way off on my to do list yet.
I hope you do decide to go with some corals as I feel personally FOWLR tanks are quite stark by comparison.
Still watching and look forward to the updates.
No i'll be having a few low light softies.. just ordered my first today off e.bay something nice for my clowns I hope that arrive tomorrow. I cant wait to see them :) I'm already makig plans to upgrade this set up to a 3ft **ADDICTED** :lol: :p B)
You must have a good job or access to hubbies payrole.
Well I just spent 20 mins typing out the last weeks events, then my computer goes tits up and loses the page :( GGRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
So here is the short version...
Got fish... one died.. ones been hanging onto life all week.
Tried to get him a friend but it didnt work out so had to seperate them . Now have 2 tanks running with Tomato clown, scooter blenny, shrimp in one and the common clown in the small 8 gallon.
Finally everyone is eating after the week from hell :( God these fish are hard work, I'm used to fish that arrive starving and almost climb in the packet to get their own supper. Not ones that sulk for days and spit out everthing you offer them.
With the help of garlic and frozen shrimp, baby brine shrimp hatched by the bucket load all, fish are now happily eating and I can realx a little.

Tanks stats are good with low nitrate and a stable s.g. No evaporating just straight forward 10% water changes, clean out the sump and replace filter floss, only thing that needs constant attention is the glass. Everyday there is something new and a different colour growing on

I also got a few small soft coral frags at the end of the week so pics of them next week when they have settled in, thats if the hermits can keep their little mitts off them long enough for them to open:(

Fishy pics..













Hey littleme,
So things are moving along somewhat. That last step seem to be quite difficult with a high maintenance load. The tomato clown (if you don't mind me saying so) seems a bit on the shakey side. What did the lfs have them feeding on. The other common clown seems fine as is the shrimp and blenny. I like the red algae, what do you call it (common or latin name) Is evaporation a big problem (sorry for all the questions)
Can't wait to see the corals.
Keep up the good work, we're all watching and learning.
Just goes to show you how pics can be deseptive.. :)
The common clown is the one that has been clinging to life all week. Finally took some frozen brine shrimp today thank goodness, after only managing to get live baby shrimp down him all week. he never ate a thing for 3 days. I got them sent up from london by courier as the shop thats nearest to us (40 miles away) never has much in as far as marine goes. The little clowns mate died within half hour of me putting him in the tank. I bought the tomato clown the next day from the above mentioned shop with the scooter blenny. They got on fine at first and the little common clown picked up a bit, but after a few hours the tomato, aware that the common was not so good started to pick on him :( Thinking that the common clown was unlikly to live anyhow I put it in the 8 gallon and have spent all week trying to coax him to eat :(
The tomato clown arrived in great health , photos are a bit strange as the fish is mental!!! it wont keep still for a second and when it sees the camera it either head butts the glass or hides behind a rock, thats why I only have 2 rubbish Hes a stunning little fish if not mentally challenged :) Eats tonnes now after spitting everthing out for the first 3 days. The Blenny is just fantastic, so cute and cheeky, hes always eyeballing me through the glass to see what I'm upto. He was quite thin when he came but hes eating well and seems to be putting on weight .

As for the tank its running great, no test issues what so ever, no evaporation problems either. Keeps a steady temp never above 82 even when its hot outside and the lights have been on for hours, I also have a back up built in fan if it does get a little hot. I just bought 2 30" tanks, one is for another plec holding tank and the other will be an upgrade for the marine :) Just need to sort out overtank lighting which I'm working on:)

The corals are also a bit of a stress, one keeps trying to open and the hermits jump on so it goes back in :( grrrrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I could have swore it was the Tomato clown that was the fish that was under the weather, well as you say photos can be deceptive, the common clowns fins seem to be errect and you say he/she is feeding somewhat better now. Maybe it was just the stress of the journey getting to you. I hope everything turns out alright.
I had over 100 tanks at one stage so watch you dont head too far in the wrong direction or your hobby will be moving down the garden path to the shed.
How are you finding topping off, do you do this or just do a weekly water change.
Just weekly water change... there is hardly any evaporation to speak of .
Yes finally all the fish seem ok. Its just what to do with the common clown now :( I cant put him back in the main tank, even when I upgrade as after doing a bt more research I find Tomatto clowns are known for being aggressive. And what with a 100 gallon tank in the living room plus the 8 gallon nano underneath, th 16 galllon in the dinning room and 2 x 3ft in the utility plus two more 2.5ft on their way I dont need any more tanks :( Hubby is already moaning about the electric

100 tanks.. my god where did you put them all ?
No I have no idea what the red macro is called, I have some growing on my live rock at the mo will have to try and fine out. I got it off e.bay with my spagetti algae for the sump .

Just a quick question Big C... I have no problem with hatching the shrimp, and obviously they dont need feeding for the first few days as they live off their egg sacks, but how do you go about raising them? and when do you start feeding etc? I have orded some food for them. I dont seem to be having much luck keeping them alive beyond a week :(
Great Barrier Reef.. You lucky so and so . Thats on my *things to ss before I die* list
We went last year to GBR and it is totally amazing. Even saw a clownfish hosting an anemone. mega.
We are just an ordinary joe bloggs family and are not blessed in a monetary sense, so we had to scrimp and save for such trips. But I tell you if there ever comes a point in your life whereby you get the opportunity to go to Australia and visit GBR then grab it with both hands.
This is where we stayed for a couple of nights.
Good to see the tank is comming along nicely even though six numbers on a saturday night would help.
I'm following the thread daily.

definitely a nice place to visit. i live only a short drive from the bottom tip of the reef and everytime you go there it blows you away :) pity global warming is taking such a toll on the reef :(
Just goes to show you how pics can be deseptive.. :)
The common clown is the one that has been clinging to life all week. Finally took some frozen brine shrimp today thank goodness, after only managing to get live baby shrimp down him all week. he never ate a thing for 3 days. I got them sent up from london by courier as the shop thats nearest to us (40 miles away) never has much in as far as marine goes. The little clowns mate died within half hour of me putting him in the tank. I bought the tomato clown the next day from the above mentioned shop with the scooter blenny. They got on fine at first and the little common clown picked up a bit, but after a few hours the tomato, aware that the common was not so good started to pick on him :( Thinking that the common clown was unlikly to live anyhow I put it in the 8 gallon and have spent all week trying to coax him to eat :(
The tomato clown arrived in great health , photos are a bit strange as the fish is mental!!! it wont keep still for a second and when it sees the camera it either head butts the glass or hides behind a rock, thats why I only have 2 rubbish Hes a stunning little fish if not mentally challenged :) Eats tonnes now after spitting everthing out for the first 3 days. The Blenny is just fantastic, so cute and cheeky, hes always eyeballing me through the glass to see what I'm upto. He was quite thin when he came but hes eating well and seems to be putting on weight .

As for the tank its running great, no test issues what so ever, no evaporation problems either. Keeps a steady temp never above 82 even when its hot outside and the lights have been on for hours, I also have a back up built in fan if it does get a little hot. I just bought 2 30" tanks, one is for another plec holding tank and the other will be an upgrade for the marine :) Just need to sort out overtank lighting which I'm working on:)

The corals are also a bit of a stress, one keeps trying to open and the hermits jump on so it goes back in :( grrrrgrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

might be an idea to move your frags somewhere less accessible to the crabs. i havent found a prob with mine but most of my corals are all up, out of reach of the bottom and all the crabs stay at the bottom :)
100 tanks.. my god where did you put them all ?
I have had 3 fish-houses to date at different locations (house moving) each one more elaborate than the last. The last one was 10'x8' timber I built from scratch (not prefab) I had three teirs running all the way around and a bank of tanks in a centre island. I also incorporated a large pond, constructed by making a reinforced plywood box, decked it out internally with 1" polystyrene and lined with a light blue pond liner (for visual purposes) this I used for rearing semi adult fish to maturity.
As to rearing BS, this is an art in itself and to be honest is very time consuming not to mention the space needed. Thats not to say it cant be done.
If I could make a suggestion. Years ago when I was A member of Bradford and District Aquarist Society, we used to get our adult Brineshrimp from Yorkshire Brineshrimp Supplies. Now in the eighties earliy nineties the owner had his boom years cornered a niche market and flourished, then, if my memory serves correctly something happened to the water supply and things went bad and he seemed to dissapear from the secne for a while, to the dismay of both breeders and LFS collectively. It was a big thing in fishy circles losing such a reliable source. But anyway he seems to be up and running again and advertises in the Aquarist Classifieds
I know this is an old link but I contacted him late last year and got a response so give him a try and see if he can help you out. If you do let's know how you get on.
I have posted the link below.
Incidentally you have to feed BBS as soon after hatching as possible, they loose their quality quite quickly and are not as good nutritionally after a day or so.
I hope this was of some help to you,

definitely a nice place to visit. i live only a short drive from the bottom tip of the reef and everytime you go there it blows you away
Your sure are blessed with such beautiful surroundings, We are booked to come over again next March and on the Iteinery is to visit GBR and to bob into a certain fish and pet epourium in Brisbane. Se you then
Thanks for the info Big C. I gave it a go but decided it was too much like hard work so have stuck to hatching and feeding to fish over a few days, the fish enjoy them just as much, even though they do look a little bog eyed trying to see and catch them :blink:

Time for an update..
Well the tank and fish are all ok. Water perameters are all stable with no issues to date. I have noticed both hair algae and red slime algae on my filter outlet. I think this just goes to show what a fantastic job the clean up crew do, as there is non anywhere else in the tank where they can reach. I take the filter outlet off and place it in the tank and the hermits totally pick it clean within a few hours, even the red slime algae..amazing :hyper: I have been putting a little extra food in for them as it is obvious by how clean the tank is that they could do with a little extra.
I also bought some pods for my sump as I hadnt seen any in the tank. With a little plankton feeding they are now breeding on mass and my scooter blenny is having a great time picking them off the rocks and sand. Hes looking really well at the moment, crossed fingers it stays that way.
Tomato Clown is a real fruit loop :crazy: hes taken to attacking anything that gets near or on his corner under the powerhead. Even the smallest piece of spaghetti algae stuck to the powerhead inlet gets him in a rage and he can spend 20 mins picking it off swimming round the front of the tank and dropping it, only for it to be blown right back round by the current.. lol On the not so good side he has also started attacking some of my soft corals :angry: So with that and the issue of my other clown to think of and his nasty little habit Ive decided to get rid of him.
Common Clown for some reason has just developed the dreaded white spot :crazy: He was looking so well too and now this. Anyway I caught it quick and treated him within 12hrs of seeing it so hes on the mend again. Hes so cute.. he swims like a mad thing when he sees the feeding tube go in and sucks the food right out of the Looking forward to getting him in the big tank when the other clown has gone.

Well I took the plunge, bought a bigger tank, 100w overtank lumanaire I just need to get a large sump type filter for my live rock rubble etc and some new sand and I'm ready to go at the begining of september when hubby goes to collect my tank :) I'll also get another 5kg of live rock too to fill it out a bit, though the reef bones that are in with the common clown have already seeded really well with coraline algae and look pretty good so i'll be using them too.

Ive bought a few soft corals too , god these things work out expensive even just buying frags :crazy: Luckily though all have survived being posted and most are growing really well despite my rubbish lighting.

Pics and Vids..
Tomato Clown
Scooter Blenny
Bristle worm & scooter













All of my hermits have now shed and upgraded to larger shells, also the shrimp has shed twice too.
Its amazing, you dont realise just how much has grown on the rock until you look back at the pics. The tank has just reached 4 weeks at time of these pics :)

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