Thanks guys for the comments, much appreciated . Actually i think it looks pants at the Too much flippin hair algae for my liking. The hermits are slowly getting onto it , and ive also had the rock out once and scrubbed all the effected areas which helped slow it down.
Vinny the hawkfish... is a very moody but much loved part of the reef. He taunts me when ever I get the camera out by comming to the front of the tank and posing with his spikes up... only to fly off at lightning speed the second he sees the finger go meaning 90% of the shots of him are always blurs.
Big Blue the regal tang... Stomach with fins... what more can I say.. if its edible.. he will eat it... and if its not.. hell give it a good try anyway!!.. Hates the tank looking untidy... if I move small rocks, when i go back hes put them back in the same place... for ages I thought it was my hubby playing tricks on me, till I hid behind the sofa one day and caught him at it the fish that is and not the husband! Does it with shells, hermits and anything else he thinks is out of place. At 5.5" hes a good size and is happy in there at the mo... but if he gets much bigger I will have to see about finding him a new larger home. Shame but I dont want him being unhappy.
Long term plans....
Now im feeling better I will be doing large water changes over the next 2 weeks until the phosphate levels are nice and low. Ive got more clean up crew to buy as soon as ive done a few water changes .Planning about 100l at a time and as the water volume is currently just over 300l it shouldnt take too long to get things sorted. Once the water issue is sorted I will be getting a few more fish. Possibly a raccoon butterfly or maybe a longfin banner fish.. also a dwarf angel of some kind and a green and yellow clown goby. Plus need a new cleaner shrimp too.
PLanning on doing an all night vigil with a red light ... im going to bate some jars and see what I can catch. I just want to be sure that I dont have a huge crag in there somewhere
Then once all that is done.. i want to tweak the lighting a bit and once Im happy with everything I may get a few more soft corals... but no zoos as Ive had no luck with them what so ever. Ive learnt that best find out what suits your tank and water and stick to that. That way you dont throw good money after bad.
Nice to see so many new faces on here
New peeps getting addicted like the rest of Have been reading the diarys with great interest