Hemorrhagic septicima


New Member
Apr 21, 2022
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A month or 2 ago I had a pinkish dot appear on one of my rummy nose tetras. I posted it to a forum (which I can no longer find/remember the account for), but no one there could identify the cause or any treatment. I lost that fish and then it took my sae. I had ordered meds and they arrived when the rest of my fish started to bloat up and show symptoms. I started treatment with mardel maracyn 2 (((mardel maracyn 1 DOES NOT treat hemorrhagic septicima))) immediately and all of the remaining fish have since survived. The disease did leave some semi permanent disfiguring, but nothing major. (A little more full in the stomach area) I only needed one course of treatment but started the second round because the full stomach did not go completely away. How I now know the fuller stomach is permanent: I immediately stopped the treatment and did daily 10% water changes until my plants stopped dying and my shrimp became active again. All the remaining tank members (3 rummies, 6 neons, 6 amanos, and infinite snails) are all energetic and love their food. I have since deduced that not disinfecting a ball of java moss was the cause of the outbreak and will be dipping plants in diluted isopropyl alcohol in the future. (All of my plants I never disinfected/quarantined but the java moss was the polite reminder that everyone should disinfect their new aquarium plants before using them) Even though this is a resolved issue, I wanted to post my experience to help anybody who experiences this nasty disease.

Most of the symptoms: bloating up without pineconing, what looks like lesions but is internal bleeding, gasping for air, sitting at the bottom of the tank, lethargic, darting to the surface, troubles balancing, other fish avoiding the affected fish like the plague, fins becoming tattered was another strange symptom that was not a result of aggression bc all of my fish were peaceful/there was no new aggression/the fish avoided the affected fish (Usually the fish still eat and act normally even with the internal bleeding/bloating but when they start gasping at the bottom/have swim bladder issues they never recover) The disease takes 1 or 2 days to kill a fish, so if you see the symptoms react as quickly as possible. It spreads quickly and can wipe out your tank in the span of 2 weeks (depending on the previous health of your fish, mine had been treated for parasites and my rummy nose tetras were basically glowing red so the tank was doing well).

-meds that did not work in last ditch effort quarantine tank for fish on their deathbed (died within 30 minutes): tetra life guard all in one treatment & aquarium salt

I will post a picture of the dead rummy nose tetra when she was alive and a picture of the current, healthy tank.

***** If any of you have had any experience with this disease, please share it on this thread to help future fish enthusiasts! I desperately needed a thread like this when I was trying to differentiate between possible fish TB and hemorrhagic septicima/find a possible treatment


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