Fish Crazy
Please help guys. My red-purple betta (yet unnamed) jumped from his tupperware during a 100% water change, and flipped several times before I could get him (I was pouring new water into tank when I saw him) until he reached the edge of the counter, then plunged 4 feet to the linoleum floor! I though he was dead for sure, but finally got him back in the fresh water in his tank, and he's able to swim. However, His right pectoral fin is shredded, and he clamps it to his side, only using the other one. He also lost a couple scales, but other than that looks okay. He was on the counter/floor for maybe 20-35 seconds in total. I added double-dose stress coat to his water (I also used a little extra during the water change as dechlorinater, since I figured the water change would stress him by itself, and it couldn't hurt). Then, after I got him back in, I added extra like I said. What do you think??? Please help and share if you've had similar situations.