Helping A Friend Get Back Into The Tropical Fish Hobby?


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Sep 1, 2006
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Hi everyone, I'm helping a friend of the family get back into the tropical fish hobby. What are some nice, fun to watch fish, non aggressive, that will go nicely in a (not sure what size) 20-30 gallon. maybe?
I'm looking to suggest a good setup with bottom dwellers, mid tank dwellers and top dwellers?

Hope you can help
:) Emma :)
If they are just started, possibly go with the basics.

Maybe a few 8"< plecs, a 4-6 Corydoras for the bottom dwellers.

A good selection of livebearers and tetras always looks good

That, in my opinion, will give the family some interested species to watch, without worrying about anything outgrowing the tank. Naturally, depending on how many of the above fish they get (if any!) they will have room to add more fish that catch their eyes - but make sure they do their research!
I myself am a big fan of tetras, dwarf cichlids and live plants :)
bottom some corrys and maybe a clown plec

mid tetras, guppies, platties

top hatchets

and lots of plants

Hi everyone, I'm helping a friend of the family get back into the tropical fish hobby. What are some nice, fun to watch fish, non aggressive, that will go nicely in a (not sure what size) 20-30 gallon. maybe?
I'm looking to suggest a good setup with bottom dwellers, mid tank dwellers and top dwellers?

Hope you can help
:) Emma :)

Black phantom tetras are awesome for mid dwellers, and male guppies are really nice as well for the top.

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