
New Member
Dec 21, 2004
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Brisbane Australia

My Molly has developed a cone shaped thing over her eye .
The eye itself is frosted in color but the cone is clear and covers the whole eye.
It does not seem to be bothering her and is happily swimming and eating ok.
None of the other fish have it, but I have seperated her incase it is infectious.
Has anyone got any suggestions what it is or what to treat it with.

Just a quick word of sympathy to all our mates in London who have gone through hell this last week. I hope you and your familie are safe and well and that they catch the BA...... Best wishes

Sounds like 'pop-eye' which is a bacterial infection usually. If she's quarantine you could try an anti-bacterial med from the lfs. I've used interpet make before with good results. This bacterial infection can just occur or can be caused from stress, overcrowding or poor water quality.Are the water parameters ok?
One of my Mollies had popeye. The water quality is fine and the rest of the fish are ok. I think he hit his eye on an ornament while chasing a female Molly. He's a bit of a pest actually but I suppose it's natural behaviour! I used Interpet No9 and it worked well. :) I didn't quarantine the fish as I don't have a spare tank, I treated the whole tank.
Hi Guys,
Thanks for your reply's . I did land up treating the whole tank and she seems to be improving.
I used a muli purpose remedy that contained Acriflavine and Malachite and it has done the trick.
Maddie :D

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