
You would be best just leaving her in the tank and let her have the fry in there, then when you see the fry remove them and put them in the smaller tank, stress the mother out to much and she will abort and even die herself.
i have a small divider but should i move the male to the 10 gal tank?
Just let nature takes it course, unless the male is harassing her to much them seperate them
I have 4 mature female guppies and a lot more that i'm keeping that aren't ready yet. I dunno if your guppy has given birth b4 but if not, that might be why she not very fat.
Mine (and somebody else said this) get fatter all of sudden when their babies gonna come. if she is gonna give birth, then it's normal for her to dwell about for a while. Mine sit on the bottom for a day or two and then all of a sudden they're not fat anymore. Are you sure she hasn't already had the fry and you can't see them? the not eating and hiding happens with platties, I know that, so maybe the not eating is the same with guppies. I haven't noticed to be honest coz I got so many of them, continuously having fry. HTH. Is there a filter in the little tank? have you cleaned the poops from the bottom? the ammmonia in it makes the fish very sick, I had a lot die a while ago from that.
shes never given birth before and its an undergravel filter so its hard to clean.

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