Can you tell us what your test results are in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size is the tank how many fish, how long have you had the fish that acting weird.
that is the thing i dont have nothing to test that kinda thing i have 2 black neons and 2 blue neons, 5 zebra danios. it is quite a large fish tank!! im sooo sorry i am useless at this!! i got the tank from a friend and the zebra danios came with it they have been fine since i got them which was about a year now
Do a water change for now to see if that helps, take a sample of your water to the lfs and tell them to write the readings down,does the tummy look swelled up also try a shelled pea.
Lfs is a local fish store, try a water change if might be water quality, how often do you do a gravel vack and water change, and maintance on your filter.
as u can see im not that knowleged in fish and thank you very much for ur help!! i will see how a water change goes thank u, watch this space to see how i got on he he he he..
ok i decided to clean the tank out today but when i went to feed them this morning he was swimming fine and not side ways. so i still cleaned it and it seems to fine so im now totally confused ha ha ha..
If you did a water change it could of been poor water quality causing stress on the fish, get your water tested to see what your results are, even better buy your own them you are not fumbling about in the dark.
You can buy tetra laboretts test kits they have nitrite,ph,gh,kh, but don't have ammonia and nitrate in them, talking about £30, test strips are cheaper but not as accurate as liquid one's but they do all the test mentioned.