
New Member
Jun 11, 2003
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Hi everyone,

One of my bettas is very sick :-( , im not too sure whats wrong but i think it could be either flukes or a bacterial gill infection but i didnt want to do anything till i was sure. He just lies at the bottom and goes up for air now and then been like this for about 4 days now, he was lying up straight but now he just lies on his side, his gills move lots and his mouth there is a little grey patch on the gill but he hasnt been trying to scrap himself or anything like i read that they would do.

I have 2 other females that seem ok apart from the fact that one has a quite enlarged gill, it has been like that for quite sometime and might be getting worse but now the other one has it too!! a bit and they both have red kind of lines by their gills but the males doesnt. Please help ive tried to give you as much info as i can :sad: . Thanks alot
hi again,

Sorry i forgot to say a few more things, i have also got 5 penquin tetras and 3 pepperd corys and 1 albino cory. The sickest betta hasnt eaten for about 5 days either.
awww,that's too bad. I would remove him and put him solo in a small tank. It could be a number of things that are making him ill,my first thought is depression or that he's being picked on.

What size tank is it? What are the water parameters?
its a 2ft tank, temp is about 25 degrees but im guessing that all of the bettas have it now so not sure maybe the others have it too maybe i shoudl treat them all?
Test your tank water for ammonia and nitrite. fish will experience rapid gill movements when water quality is bad.

Always test water first before anything else is considered.

How long have you had your tank and is it fully cycled?
Have you introduced new fish lately?

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