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Apr 24, 2020
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First post here guys. I've had the tank on the right for a good while now 8 months. Seems to be well established. I have 10 guppy's, 1 male Betta and God knows how many cherry shrimp. Everyone seems to get along just fine. But I've had this persistent cloudy grey water for 2/3months. Comes and goes how bad it is but in the last couple week been very bad.
I feel like I've tried everything - regular 20% water changes
Larger 50% water change
I've cleaned the air filter sponge
I've put quick clear in and a fine cotton mesh over the filter to catch the stuff floating around.
Doesn't seem to effect them so it's more cosmetic, I'd like to be able to see through my tank.


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What is the size of the tank? I would say 10 guppies is too many for a small tank and one betta. Bettas aren't community fish, no matter what. Possibly if any experienced aquarists can do that as they know what and what to do if certain times. Do you have a filter there? If the tank is cloudy, it is not cycled. What are your water parameters?
Yeah I understand but so far so good. I've had no trouble with any inhabitants. The tank is 27litrees and has an sponge filter in it for the shrimp. Not cycled only water changed. 20% every 2 weeks.
You really need to be doing larger water changes. 50% weekly, especially in such a small tank. For now, do a 75% water change.

Did you test for ammonia,nitrite and nitrate? If so post the exact readings. If you dont have a test kit I would highly recommend getting one
I see a couple of different problems here right off the bat...

First off, bettas aren’t community fish and shouldn’t be kept as such. Even if it seems to be going well, one day your betta might snap and kill all of your guppies. Guppies colorful, long tales look very similar to another bettas tale. This can cause aggression.

Second off, where did you get your substrate? What brand/type is it?

Did you wash if off before you put it in the tank?
As other members stated Betta is not a community fish. They are a type A personality fish and should be in their own tank. Even if the Betta does not attack the other fish it will be stressed whenever another fish is in it's territory or swims to close. It is in their nature and all this stress will shorten it's life. Also you should do larger weekly water changes. One of the reason your water turns cloudy may be a bacteria bloom. Weekly water changes may deal with this.
Thanks for all the responses guys with the larger water changes do I have to worry about losing alot of good bacteria? I have beneficial bacteria liquids/ointment- didn't know if that solves this issue
The bacteria we want are bound tightly to surfaces not in the water. Large water changes will not remove them. Just check the old water for shrimps, particularly babies, before you throw it away.
Hi again everyone. Besides the type of fish I have in my tank do you think it could be I have to may for a small tank ? Cheers Arthur
Found the source of the problem. It was my substrate I believe.
I removed all the fish and shrimp into a separate tank and wanted to clean the substrate but after about 20 minutes of swilling and trying to clean the substrate it hasn't changed. For some reason, whether this be on my behave it had started to dissolve and break down. I could squeeze it and turn into mud.
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Found the source of the problem. It was my substrate I believe.
I removed all the fish and shrimp into a separate tank and wanted to clean the substrate but after about 20 minutes of swilling and trying to clean the substrate it hasn't changed. For some reason, whether this be on my behave it had started to dissolve and break down. I could squeeze it and turn into mud.
Is it dirt substrate? Those can be very messy
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