

Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2007
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Hi i am curruntley wanting to start an equarium with

5 male guppies
10 female guppies
2 tiger barbs
1 male betta
3 female bettas
7 tetras

what size tank would i need? also around how mutch for the fish heater and tank will it cost me in total thanks
Hello and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Unfortunately, you can't put those fish together in the same tank as they are not compatable. First, male and female bettas can only be together while they are mating. Otherwise, the male will kill the females. Second, guppies and bettas don't fair well together either as the betta will see the guppies large fins as another betta and kill them too. And last, tiger barbs are not good community fish as they are very aggressive and will attack anything in the tank. To keep tiger barbs in a community tank, you need at least 8 or 10 to spread the aggression.

One other note. With 10 female guppies, you will have a batch of fry every 2 to 3 days so you will have to have a plan to deal with them. In 2 months, you would have roughly 20 batches of fry and be overrun unless you plan to just let the other fish eat them. Even then, some will survive and you get over stocked very quickly.
Aren't you the same guy who was asking for donations so that you can start "protecting" endangered fishes :devil: ? Wink , Wink !
I absolutely love this guy. He wants others to fund his fish killing venture. :p :fun: d:D
That would be a bad mix. I can help you a little about a better idea of fish to have. :flowers: ^_^

10 gallon could be,

1 female betta
6 x-ray tetras
2 platies

20 gallon

6 cory cats (need sand substance)
7 neon tetras
5 female guppies

Some people may not agree with me on the fish I put together :blush: . This is just my opinion. ;)

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