
cutie mcwhiskers

Fish Fanatic
Mar 27, 2006
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was wondering if anyone could help me, my betta simon has a line of scales on top of his head,bout 3-4mm long, that have faded. it doesn't look like a fungus or slime they just look normal but a different colour, grey/whiteish, he's eating and behaving as normal. he's around 2yrs old, we've had him about 6 months, we rescued him from some friends that didn't look after him, the water was gross! the nitrates were off the scale! poor baby! but he's been fine and healthy since we got him until now! has anyone any ideas what could be causing this? any help would be much appreciated!

ammonia = 0
nitrite = 0
nitrate = 5-10
ph = 7
temp = 79
If it was me i would just add some indian almond leaf extract to the water to see if it makes any difference, it helps bring the colour out in them & conditions the skin. I got mine from its called Atisons betta spa.
Sounds like columnaris or even a parasite, does it have a red centre or a circling of red around the edges.
thanks for the replies guys!

no there's no red either round or on the affected area. i had a closer look at him and it looks kind of like the scales are a bit flakey? it's hard to describe! it's not gotten any worse and he's acting and eating normal. i'm gonna keep a close eye on him.

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