

Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2005
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NSW - Sydney Australia
I have a small redcap oranda swimming normally than upside down, than normally again. It's like a continuous cycle, swim normally than abnormally. I currently house my small redcap oranda in a 10 g. I only cycled the tank for only a week with my betta than removed him and placed him back in the 1 g tank. Than i took my internal filter out of the betta tank and placed it in another cycled tank to get the beneficial bacteria for approx. 5 days. I put the filter back into the old betta 10 g for a further 24 hours. I then added the red cap oranda. And a few days later it began to swim abnormally. Should i do an immediate water change.
P.S. If i do not have an ammonia tester, should i siphon the tank 20% every other day to be on the safe side and to reduce the ammonia level. FYI, i got the redcap oranda from a pet shop with i think a full belly. Is the Oranda's belly meant to be round or did they overfeed it? What should i do? Thankyou for any responses and advice.
sounds like he has a swim bladder problem, very common for egg shaped goldfish.
try feeding him a cooked, de-shelled garden pea (not processed). this will act as a laxative and
should clear any blockgaes caused by too much food, or trapped air.

feeding him on flakes or other floating food would cause the problem,
the answer is to feed a sinking granule/pellet.
sounds like he has a swim bladder problem, very common for egg shaped goldfish.
try feeding him a cooked, de-shelled garden pea (not processed). this will act as a laxative and
should clear any blockgaes caused by too much food, or trapped air.

feeding him on flakes or other floating food would cause the problem,
the answer is to feed a sinking granule/pellet.

What do you mean by 'not processed'? How much peas should i give him? Is the swimming abnormally and having a swim bladder problem critical to the fish? P.S. Do you have any tips to getting a healthy hood growth on my redcap oranda? Once again thankyou for any responses.
processed= tinned
you should use fresh or frozen peas.
1 pea should do the trick, but 2 maybe needed.

Is the swimming abnormally and having a swim bladder problem critical to the fish?
yes for quality of life; think how would you would feel if you could never be able to stand upright.

A good varied diet will promote a healthy growth of the cap.
feed with sinking food and also bloodworm, daphnia brine shrimp etc.

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