Hi, first time on this forum – sorry if I am in the wrong place but I am looking for some help! I have
a 250 litre / 55 Gallon cylinder aquarium which I have had for 5 years now. My
question is not so much related to the life in the aquarium but the actual
structure of it! A couple of months ago I was using the algae magnet and as I
was moving it back and forth I noticed the entire tank was actually moving too –
kind of wobbling if that makes sense? After checking the tank over, to my
horror I realised that where the clear tank sits on the black base, the way it
was adhered had come away!
Please excuse my lame description, I have tried to attach a picture but it says file is too big. I have attached a picture I found on the internt which is an exact copy. The best way to describe it is where you see the clear tank meet the base, it is down the side where it meets where it has come away (it may be worth mentioning that the clear tank sits on the base, it is not all in one) I have literally stuffed pieces of
cardboard between the break and the tank which I have found kind of
stops it from “wobbling” in a way wedging the gap. I have tried contacting who
we bought if from and they have been no help at all apart from trying to sell
me a new one. I can’t actually remember the structure of the base, I’m
extremely worried that it could give way at any time with a quarter tonne of
water and the tanks contents flooding the room!
So, longwinded I know, I suppose I’m asking for help in
regards to 1: does ANYBODY know how these bases are structured and if they will
hold regardless?? 2: where I could possibly get a replacement base? (Have tried
everywhere!) 3: Any suggestion as to how I can possibly resolve the problem as
I keep having nightmares of the whole thing collapsing!!! I particularly worry
about my gorgeous 12inch plecostomus Felix who I have had since a wee baby!
Any help would be very much appreciated, thank you all in
advance! Zoe