Help With Tank For Bettas!?

I'll scrub it really really really really really good. The tank looks like it's barely ever been used and it's clean as it is, just has some salt grains laying in it, but I'll get it all out.
Question: What effect is bleach supposed to have on the salt? :huh:

I'd just rinse it super, super well with warm water and scrub it down good. This is what I did to my 29 gallon when converting it from saltwater to fresh and I've never had a problem with it.
Question: What effect is bleach supposed to have on the salt? :huh:

Make it snowy white? :lol: Personally, I use bleach for tanks that have held infected fish and also tanks that have come to me second hand. I wouldn't bleach for salt, but I'd bleach for the unknown previous residents and their unknown causes of death ;)

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