Help With Tank For Bettas!?


Aug 8, 2005
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I just got a second hand 5.5 g for super cheap. My only problem is that it was a saltwater tank and I still see little grains of salt, I will definitely give it a good rub, but I'm wondering will that be okay for bettas to go in? Or is there a better way I should clean it? I just don't want them to get sick or hurt. The gravel probably still has salt on it as well. Any suggestions? Thanks for reading :)
rinse and rinse and rinse and rinse!
a LITTLE salt is ok though i think, but yes completely clean out the second hand tank
who knows what other creepy things have hitchhiked!
You need to nuke it. That involves filling the tank half way with water and pouring a diluted bleach into the tank and scrub, scrub, and scrub. Then rinse, rinse, rinse, and rinse until you can't smell any bleach and you don't see any residue from the bleach.
Throw away the gravel and buy some new and sterlise it, good luck.
Bleach is ok if you rinse the tank well, and let it dry out for a day.
Bleach is fine. I soak mine in a heavy solution of dechlorinated water after a good bleaching. My 30 longs are old reef tanks, so, I don't know if that makes you feel any better.
hey all,
well it looks like the tank hasn't been used for a while and there's just random pieces of salt laying there. The gravel was taken out before I got it and I wont be using it with that. Would I just be able to wash it out really good? Cause I don't have any bleach on me right now. Thanks
I hate the whole 'being in the dorm' thing when it comes to bleaching too :no: You have no idea what I feel like, with the two boys on their way and all I have is the two tanks in which Fiyero and Galinda died of dropsy -_- Or maybe now you do :p

I think Atlantic Superstore sells smaller bottles of chlorine bleach; just like you can get mini tubs of liquid laundry detergent. Is there one near you? If not, Wal Mart, Zellers . . . those might be worth a shot, because obviously you don't want to buy a great big thing of bleach that you're going to have to cart around ;) You might even check with your cleaning staff. Ours doesn't use bleach, so they weren't really much help for me, but yours might be able to give you a cup of it :)
Hot water and alot of household salt then, rinse well and still leave to dry out for aday, good luck.
Household salt? Like cooking salt? Man am I ever slow. Our city water has chlorine so if I use hot chlorine and scrub it lots and lots I should be fine I think
Yes that will be fine the cooking salt.
I wouldn't use too hot of water, it could causes problems with the silicon seal. You could also use vinegar to clean, works well for mineral deposits and is also acidic enough to be an anti-bacterial. It's pretty cheap at the store, you don't have to buy huge bottles of it and will last for several tanks use since you should probably dilute it a bit.

If you're living in the dorms, you can ask others on your hall if they have some bleach. There are bound to be some laundry fanatics that will have some to spare.
thanks everyone, but if it's cleaned out and there's just some salt left, shouldn't I be fine with just washing it lots and lots?
Yes that should be fine. Even if salt was left on the tank, a little salt has never been known to harm a betta.

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