Help With Stocking


New Member
Jul 15, 2014
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New to TFF need some help with stocking tank.
I have 26 gallon tank (99 litres) with 8 danios, 8 dwarf neon rainbow fish and 3 blue neon tetras. Driftwood and plants like Amazon sword, rotola and bacopa. I wanted to add 7 neons to make a group of 10 since they do better in groups. Not sure if tank would be overstocked. Need some advice.
to the forum!
May I ask what type of danios you have? If you don't know you can post a picture and someone should be able to ID them for you.
The reason for this is there is a bit of a difference between 8 zebra danios and say 8 celestial pearl danios.
What are the dimensions of your tank?
Tank dimensions SIZE:600Lx400Wx488H(mm). With regards to the danios I get what you say. The size of danios differ. However picture attached of the danio. Thank you
Don't see the piccy, best try again. :)
How often and how large are your water changes, and what's your nitrate level, before a water change?

That's a zebra danio, and your tank is a little on the small side for them, tbh.
Yes I know considering they are active fast swimmers, they need a larger tank. I do 30% weekly water change. Use seachem prime conditioner and stress zyme. All the fishes look happy and not had any major problem so far.
Before water change nitrate level is between 10-11 ppm.
I think you'll be fine adding three more tetras then; they're not big or messy, so won't overload your tank

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