Help With Pop-Eye Please


Oct 8, 2009
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Hey could use some help, my Betta got Pop-eye 4 days ago, wasn't sure at first so I waited. It did shrink after 2 days but now it got big again, its weird how it shrunk then came back. He only has it on his left eye. He was in the 50g but now I just transfered him in my 10g divided, none of my other fish got it, he's still very active, aggressive and no loss of appetite. I do overfeed tho. The 10 gallon divided in 3 has another male Betta on one side and Dwarf puffer on the other side. Tank's been running for 7 months.

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate (don't have the test kit for this one but I just did 50% waterchange, I do 50% waterchange a week)
Ph 8

I use Nutrafin Test Kit. What could have caused it and what would be recommended for me to do? Any medication?
Thnx in advance.
Have a look here at my thread, do plenty of water changes, every day I did 50%, I then treated the water with Interpet internal bacteria. Good luck
Make sure that any meds you use are puffer friendly! :crazy: That little DP can't withstand many of the nedications out there (delicate little things they are).

What filtration have you got on the tank? Your puffer alone requires extra filtration as it eats meaty foods and poops for medals. The 50% water changes each week are good, but the filtration needs to be heavy too.

Thnx for the response, I read your thread. Nice Male Fighter and glad he's doing better now :) Mine actually is healing on its own I think. The popeye has shrunk a lot already but not totally. He still was very active n aggressive even when he has the popeye, he chases the swordtails all over the tank when he gets the chance when he was at the 50g, jumps for food during feeding time and always come to the front of the tank when Im close. Could it be just an injury? He did jump once and landed on the hood and made his way back to the tank. Can it heal by itself by just doing waterchanges?

I learned about the myxazin on ur thread gonna get that after work tomorrow just in case. I normally do 60% water change on my 10g, 50% on my 50g and 35g. I'll do a water change again tomorrow.


Thnx I might get another 5g or 10g as temporary tank for my DP w/out lights and hood, its cheaper, I have a spare filter and heater or transfer her to my 35g in a breeding trap just to be safe. She doesn't like being transfered. I got tetra whisper EX20 for my 10g and I only have 3 fish there (DP and 2 Male Bettas)I also make sure theres no leftover food, I handfeed all three of them.

Thnx for all the help!
Someone's awake.
I had a dream about my betta jumping out of his tank, and me being too late. We're having our own emergency so I'm a bit worried and got betta on the brain.
I've wondered if my Guppy is stressing the Betta because the Guppy is a major pooper in comparison to the Betta. The Guppy is a new addition and I have noticed the difference on the tank floor. I tried to make the proper accommodations, and remove all waste I can find to keep the ammonia at bay.

Im glad to hear your Betta seems to be healing itself. I hate to medicate. Someone said, when in doubt... water change. Makes since to medicate as soon as possible, but premature if you don't really know what you're trying to cure. Your betta sound like a strong one, I hope he gets well.

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