Help With Neon Tetra Death

daizeUK said:
Good stuff!

Perhaps the mod team could consider including some advice on salt-sensitive fish into the article for those who are concerned?
Worth considering, certainly.  But, nitrite is a FAR bigger concern than a little 'irritability'.  One is a matter of comfort in low doses, the other is fatal.
Exactly - if some people are going to worry about doing it then maybe a mention to allay their fears would help.
I put the salt in guys! My pleco went crazy, like MAD!! He was flying round like usain bolt on speed lol. He called down eventually. And my fish seem more lively, especially the danios which i didn't even think could get more lively lol. Thanks for all of the help. And i did another 25% water change before i went to bed and before i added the salt. So, hopefully the wc should bring it down a tad more.

I cant find my test kit!!!!
Yes. It is an irritant to scaleless fish, but in that level of concentration, its not going to cause the pleco irrevocable damage.  The lack of oxygen in the blood, however, will. 
And the liveliness of the other fish is a good indicator that its working.  They are now getting only the oxygen into their blood as the chloride blocks more nitrite from entering.  So, they are feeling better. 
You need to find the test kit, as you will need to know if the nitrite is rising or falling.  If its falling, you can do a water change to lower the amount of salt, currently at 10ppm concentration, if you dosed according to the directions above.  If the nitrite is rising, you'll need to add more salt, but remember, you are already at 10 ppm for doing future calculations.
For example:  if the nitrite were to rise to 2ppm, then you would really only need to dose for an ADDITIONAL 1ppm nitrite, as the first 1ppm has already been dealt with.  Salt remains in the water, so you don't need to 'redose' salt on a regular basis - only when replacing water.  A 25% water changes would need 25% of the original dose to keep levels steady, a 50% WC would need half of the original dose, etc.
More than likely, the nitrite will start to fall and you can begin to remove the salt from the tank via water changes.  The sooner you can get the salt out, the better for the pleco.
Yay. There is hardly a trace of nitrite and the nitrate is 10 now. Thanks!
Adding salt rather water changes for nitrite helps, as it will help the n bacs grow faster, since there's more nitrite.

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