Help With My New Discus


New Member
Dec 15, 2005
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I have got a 130L fish tank that i have put in three 2inch discus fish today and that are staying at the bottom and not swimming to the top i think it might be because there new but i dont no do you????

nirate 40 i think
rest 0

plz help

young discus should be kept 6 or more, espcially in a large tank like that. 2 inches is quite small, so be sure to feed it high protein foods about 4-6 times a day so it can grow to its full potential. beefheart is the best for growing out discus... Do you have any substrate? If you dont than you should search around the net for beefheart recipes for discus. Your little guys should become more brave if you buy more friends for them. Also every time you aproach the tank, give them a little food so they can associate you with food. That should bring them out of shyness. Remember, more feedings = more water changes.

Good luck with your new fish!
soz i the nitrate is 0.5
:angry: i need help with high nitrates i have discus and the nitrates have gone mad i have a rio 400, and use the filter that came with it and a full undergraval with power heads also a external ehiem the water is well clear but i got a bad algea problemo and i tested nitrates and it well red i dun water changes en put proh remover in also other nitrate removers still high can any one help ????? one of my discus is sick ??
soz i the nitrate is 0.5
:angry: i need help with high nitrates i have discus and the nitrates have gone mad i have a rio 400, and use the filter that came with it and a full undergraval with power heads also a external ehiem the water is well clear but i got a bad algea problemo and i tested nitrates and it well red i dun water changes en put proh remover in also other nitrate removers still high can any one help ????? one of my discus is sick ??

post a little on info water stats, % of water changed and how often, decor , plants etc

One of the most common carses is high nitrates and phosphates in tap water another is lack of water changes, all of which add upto high levels of nutrients, which can also leed to long term health problems for your discus.
I agree that 3 is not enough, however 120 litre tank is not going to be big enough for 6 discus when they've grown a bit - is that not around 28 galls?
Water changes, if the tap water has high nitrate, you will be best using RO water (remineralised as needed); discus need low nitrates, I'd suggest 20ppm as an absolute max, but lower for babies of the size you have.
I'd also suggest that after only 1 day they are probably still pretty unsettled and they do take time to become comfortable.
One good source of advice is
ur two discus fish may feel unsafe, if u dont have space for anymore discus fish then add like 7 neon or cardionial tetras or more. This creates a good sense of secruity for the discus fish

hope this helps :good:

what else do you have in your tank?

if you say your discus are only 2" this is a very precious stage of the discuses life. They need 100% perfect water quality which means lots of water changes almost 4 water changes a week minimum, and they need to be in groups.

if you dont plan on upgrading your tank then i would suggest returning them. discus should reach around 9" that is around the size of a small dinner plate. and a shoal of 6 discus would not fit in your tank.


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